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Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC

 Ministry and Vision

I spent most of the day today writing the following article. I plan on posting it full blown on my web site tomorrow, and handing a copy of it to my pastor at church in the evening. I would like any commments or suggetions. (I will have to probably proof-read it once more).

The article has to do with what is often passed off today as "vision" for a Church, and how there is a lot of false vision out there that needs to be corrected.

Jimmy H

 2003/12/13 22:11Profile

Joined: 2003/12/5
Posts: 3
Wake Forest, NC

 Re: Ministry and Vision

As a missionary I hear everything you are saying, and agree that Jesus should be the vision, to bring people to Jesus is the vision. I've learned first hand that the American Vision for what church is has really become a bigger building, better worship service, bigger, better, more. So often we are fighting amongst ourselves that we forget the goal. In Japan it is actually a stumbling block for people coming to the gospel when they see denomonations fighting amongst themselves, or churches split because someone wanted a bigger building, why become a Christian, we are just as moral as they are? And if someone were to listen to the spiritual heart of the church it would be dead. There is no love between the people, they show up once a week, see each other once a week, give their few hours of service and go back to work. The vision is not only Jesus, but taking him with us everywere too. I won't start preaching, but I don't see anything wrong with giving that to your preacher, or even posting and telling others about it, I actually pray that America will catch fire for the only vision that matters, Jesus.

 2003/12/15 4:04Profile

Joined: 2003/11/10
Posts: 202
Oak Ridge, Tennessee


Nice Job. ;-)

Howard McNeill

 2003/12/15 11:22Profile

Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC


>>In Japan it is actually a stumbling block for people coming to the gospel when they see denomonations fighting amongst themselves, or churches split because someone wanted a bigger building>The vision is not only Jesus, but taking him with us everywere too

Jimmy H

 2003/12/15 15:07Profile

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