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Joined: 2003/9/18
Posts: 5

 Dr Hovind- Creation Science Evangelism Series

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Dr. Kent Hovind is considered by many to be one of the foremost authorities on "Science and the Bible." He has debated evolutionists at many universities across America and is dedicated to the proclamation of factual, scientific evidence supporting the biblical record of creation and the history of the world. His fact-filled creation seminars are exciting and informative, causing even the most devout evolutionist to sit up and take notice!?

Through Dr. Hovind's seminars, Christians are encouraged in their faith and non-believers are seriously challenged to reconsider their beliefs!

Dr. Hovind permits copying of his material to further God's kingdom. His organization is; Creation Science Evangelism ( (850) 479-3466. For those of you who want to get the best from Dr Hovind himself, his seminar can be purchased from his site.

Peter J. Louie

 2003/12/11 14:45Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Dr Hovind- Creation Science Evangelism Series

Dr. Hovind permits copying of his material to further God's kingdom. His organization is; Creation Science Evangelism ( (850) 479-3466. For those of you who want to get the best from Dr Hovind himself, his seminar can be purchased from his site.

I personally recommend this series if you want good teachings on creationism from a Christian viewpoint.

These videos are great! very good quality.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2003/12/11 15:00Profile

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