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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Adam

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Hi Guys
Genesis 2:7 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breathe of life and man became a living being." Gen 1:31 "And indeed it was very good."

Adaaaaaaaaaam, Adaaaaaaaam. Where are you my son? Come and walk with me in the cool of the day that we might be together. This is my favorite time of the day, I have created you and you are so good and I am so proud of you, oh how I love to walk with you, come out please that we may walk.

"Father," says the Lord Jesus, "they have taken what you knew they would take, it is time." So soon, so soon, can it be so soon. Yes Jesus, you are right, it is time for them to depart, my heart is heavy, so very heavy. They are my children, I created them with my own hands, I have breathed into them, a part of me is a part of them. Yes Father, but you told me your plan, that you were going to create the perfect creation, a creature that would willingly choose you, not because you created them that way, not because you programmed them like the animals, but because you would give them the ability to chose between what was right in your sight, and what was not. You put that tree there knowing they would not be able to resist, they have created sin, and now it must be overcome if they are to have the ability to genuinely choose. I know Jesus, I know, I just wanted these moments with them to last a little longer. We will save them Jesus, together with the Spirit we will save them, but the pain of this parting is hard to bear.

My son Daniel was born with Down Syndrome. He did not walk till he was over two years old. It was about a year before he could even sit himself up. All the things we had taken for granted with our older "regular," child were now landmarks in Daniel's life. And so, for most of his first year, he sat observing life from the corner of the sofa. No crawling, no attempts to get down, he just sat there in the corner of the sofa, shining his light and illuminating our world.

Occasionally he would just slowly tip over, no hand put out to stop himself, he would just tip over and one of us would go and sit him upright again in the corner and go about our business. Because he lived in the land of the sofa, he never fell, he never stumbled, he never experienced pain of any kind.

Now, just after his first birthday, he had to have surgery which would last about 6 hours. We took him to the hospital on the day of surgery and it was time for him to be "prepared." This involved an injection and an IV in his arm. I tried to explain to the nurse that my son had literally never experienced pain before. She took him from my arms and very gently asked me to stay in this room, she would take Daniel into the next and do what was necessary. She explained that she would be the "bad guy,' and that she would take him back to us for comfort. My heart was broken as I handed Daniel over to this kindly nurse. I sobbed in my room, I thought to myself "welcome to the world my son." I could not delay this moment. I lingered near the door and heard him cry aloud and he began to cry with pain. The spirit of the world invaded my soul and caused me great anguish. I knew this would be the beginning of a road that had to be traveled, and it broke my heart.

I believe in my heart that the Fathers heart was broken as he , "drove," His creation out. The word , "Drove," is interesting. I do not believe they went easy into the world. This word can also mean divorce and trouble. This was no easy ejection, making it all the harder for God the Father who had no choice. They would not "go easy into the night." I base my thoughts on the attributes of God the Father. When we consider the lengths that He went to, sacrificing His only Son, in order to reunite with His creation, we see just a glimpse of a Love that is truly beyond our understanding. As we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus shortly, let us remember what an awesome act of Love it was for God the Father to send His precious Son to redeem His beloved creation. We are His beloved, we are truly blessed. Thank you Father, thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit for your perfect, eternal plan of salvation. Your word says that You will , "Never leave us nor forsake us." You did not leave us in the world, you did not forsake us, you were faithful and true and you made a way for us. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
In the beauty of Holiness

 2006/1/20 23:35

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