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Diane, sorry that was such a short reply and may have not sounded the way I would have liked to have written it.

I had just finished 'Hia Diane', and the phone rings and at the same time, TONS of pictures are being downloaded from my daughter in emails and now her on the phone about them, all at the same time.
Almost crashed my computer, because she's making up for lost time sending them, now that I'm back on line. Oooooh my.
I told her, just hold on one minute, I'm doing something, I'll hurry. Then with all the email with attachments coming down, it froze up and I had to go off line to unfreeze the mess.

Hope it doesn't sound rude, how I worded it, so for now I'll just leave it, rather than try to edit or reword anything and you can reply however you see it.

Phew ... what a time here. :-? Sorry.

 2006/1/23 22:01

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Re: Love is being willing to die

they were "willing to even give up their lives" for the Thessalonians.

MeAgain, You brought out a good point. This would be consistant with the gospel message as a whole.


Hope it doesn't sound rude

Do you know what? I don't want you or anyone to worry about about whether I might be offended by possible flaws in etiquette. Hopefully I'm cured of that. I'd rather look beyond people's quirks and squeaks, and see real people who are in this same boat as I am. When we can stop our obsession with the need to polish off or hide any possible bumps in our personality, we are free to fall, stumble, get up and grow inwardly together.

(I am just sounding off in response to other discussions here... there now, I said it ... and back to the topic)

Now the next challenge would be for us to learn what it means to be willing to give up our lives for the sake of others. I think it is far more than our physical lives (which isn't as hard as giving up our ego) It is also our pride, our need to be right, to be important, to have status, success, approval... And yes, even to risk being offended.

It is also about giving up our facades, our false fronts, and letting ourselves be vulnerable.

Wad'ya think?


 2006/1/24 8:26Profile


Diane, You asked ... What do I think ?

What do I think ? Haaaaaaaaa.

I'm sorry, but you have said a mouth full there and one that caused me to go OFF THE INTERNET COMPLETELY BACK IN OCTOBER, over all of what you just posted ........

So, I either have to go get out the surgical tape now and tape up my fingers, or just "tactfully" say .... I wish we all could rub each other's rough edges off together, or allow iron to sharpen iron, or just be whatever we are in REAL LIFE together, without getting thrown OFF the boat, that you so accurately stated that we ALL are in.
{Within reason, as I'm sure you know.}
I can't take much "egging on" myself, because of my health stuff, and I love when we all get along peacefully and even have good laughs together as a family would ... but once in a while, we all stick our leg down our own throats.
We have no idea what type of life or day or illness that person has/had, and that's where "Forbear with one another" comes in.

God loves Real people.
'Real' is really really neat. :-D

The ego part ? Don't worry, got has thorns in the flesh for that. Paul didn't even have to ask for his. Father has a sense of humor too ... he knows how to handle "us". (the 'self' in us).
Knock us off our high horse (or donkey, like Paul, whatever), on to our posteriors, is the Romans 8:28 for 29 thing. The Father's Good Pleasure. :knockedout:

Pride, ego, etc, is just "self", and we'll be dealing with that until we see Him. I pray He'll prune where He needs to daily, but I don't always like how He answers. So now I'm waiting for the next brick to fall and not asking as often... Ha - gotta watch what we pray for they say ... I don't know ? But we DO Matt. 5:6, etc.
All'a those, like Hudson Taylor etc, have said that we live with some 'self' till we're Outta Here.
Self = flesh = pride,etc.

Thanks for saying what ya have.

 2006/1/24 14:43

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Re: the death process

A friend said,
"When it doesn't hurt anymore, then you know it's dead."

Annie, Does that make sense?

Don't you find that your illness helps the death process along. I remember when I was too ill and down in the gutter to care anymore about maintaining my image. I couldn't do it anyway. I was a total loser and all that I could do was call out for God's mercy and his help. I said to him, rather RUDELY, "If you want to make anything out of this life of mine, you are going to have to do it yourself, because I CAN'T." Then God gave me very unexpected and glorious peace. I was learning to rest in him - dead to many former cares.


 2006/1/24 15:42Profile


Hia Diane,

Yes Mam ... but I don't think we fully "die" until we DIE.

I posted some here ...

Then put up a prayer request the other day on the 'Miracles' board and mentioned it on "The end of the spear" thread.

If I don't keep my mind off of me, and the inflamation stuff and pain, etc. etc. etc., I would/will surely lose it.

That's what I believe God is showing me through this.

He was "others minded only", and when that happens, then the rest has no room or not as much room to operate.
It's like, there's only so much room inside of us to "do or think", and if that space is filled with "others only" (as best we can), that other garbage has no room and has to drop out/off somewhere's.

It's a thorn, yes, but it's also a lesson in where He wants my head.
Even as we spoke about the 52 yr.s of 'no love/just abuse' garbage last time I was on ... even that gets "dropped", as He makes it more and more 'others minded'.

I'm still learning Diane, and I don't think I'll see perfection this side of Glory and I sure as life don't expect perfection out of any human ... but my only help is His Word and Him limiting, as my "only relief", to be others minded. Last year I 'almost' threw in the towel completely.

No medication relieves all'a this stuff ... only going over to the Sick folks forum and trying to comfort them or talking about Him on here or with other friends or reading His Word.

If it ain't HIM centered and I start feeling what I feel physically, I'll lose it for sure.
But reading a lot of Missionary stories, of them being "tortured" for Christ and what held their sanity together sure was a 'blessing primer' for this. It's unbelievable what some have and are going through in persecution places. Unbelievable.

I've only posted half the stuff of LateNeuroLyme and M.E., but suffice it to say, Romans 8:28 is FOR 29 and I prayed long ago to "judge me NOW, and not on Judgment day .... WHATEVER IT TAKES."

Watch what ya pray they say, but don't stop praying it ... Ho.

And don't get too confident if ya don't have any of the problems that other's do. :-?

'Thank you.' I enjoy our talks !
Love ~

 2006/1/24 16:20

Joined: 2005/11/2
Posts: 3710


I know it is a hard thing to realize that we are dead to this life because we still live in this world, but it says "we are no longer of this world",

Jhn 12:25 He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

If we try to keep this life we live on this earth we will loose it. If we disregard this life and love the Life that is in us, which is Christ. Then we have allowed the death of Christ on the Cross to crucify us with Him. "So then it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me." So as He is in this world, that is what we have become if we believe and in believing come to the place of knowing this is who we are, Christ, Not us. This is our perfection knowing that it is the Life of Christ we now live. Even the pain we feel and the sickness of this old man syndrome we have still hanging on to our minds, this is where the war is, in our minds. Even this has been taken care of in Christ, for we have the Mind of Christ.

1Jo 4:17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world.

This old man that we carry with is no longer our life and we can be free from the pain and cares of this world if we allow the Christ in us to be our life. We are not earthly people anymore we are heavenly people in Christ Jesus already. Oh, that we can put on this Christ and live, while we are still in the earth but not of it. This pain is not who we are, but we are partakers of the Baptism into His suffering and as Him we no longer have to suffer. Living by the Power of the Holy Spirit by the life of Christ in us is our Glory. I could spill out all the problems of this life and pain suffered and probably get a whole lot of sympathy from every one I speak to, But this is not longer the person I am, and all the troubles of this life I can now rejoice in because He has over come the World. 1Ti 6:17 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;
Can we enjoy all things given by God, which include pain and suffering in this world, Amen, yes we can. 1Pe 4:13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. Is His Glory revealed? Yes. Who is our Strength? Ephesians 3:16-21 That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be ===filled--- with all the ---fulness--- of God. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the ---power--- that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

Jhn 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

2Pe 2:20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

1Jo 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

In Christ: Phillip


 2006/1/24 17:32Profile


This thread title keeps Popping Out at me whenever I peruse the board and I know why, so I may as well speak what I'm feeling.

Love is Action. If there's no Action in "love", then it isn't God's Love, period.

Love in Action cares about the welfare of the other Saints and the world. "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples" ... Why ? because we "talk" about love or loving each other or by what we do for each other and the world for a witness .... even on here.

None of us are Perfect, but we can Pray one for another and when folks post prayer needs, we should have been showing the world for all these years, how we check the prayer board and bear one another's burdens and thus fulfill the law of Christ.

I said this on another forum, Long before I found SI, because that is so very common on Forums.

Normally the lounge type part has the most posts, then the Doctrinal one, and last and least is the Prayer section.

I think what IntheLight said about the Laodiceans finally tipped the scales for me to vent. Rev 3:15 I know thy "works", that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

We want to talk about love, etc. etc. etc., but, I'm right back to my earlier posts on here now.


 2006/1/25 14:59

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Re: The Love of Christ

This is our perfection knowing that it is the Life of Christ we now live.

Even the pain we feel and the sickness of this old man syndrome we have still hanging on to our minds, this is where the war is, in our minds. Even this has been taken care of in Christ, for we have the Mind of Christ.

This point requires some chewing. As long as we see the battles outside of our own minds, we will also look for the solutions to our pain in the wrong places. We will also see Christ as someone who should be taking away the outside "causes" of our troubles. This faulty understanding is evident in our prayers: "Lord please take away the troubles, make our life work for us so that we don't have to endure pain." However, Christ did not promise any escape from the miseries of this world other than through him. He promises us rest in the pain - and PEACE OF MIND.

I do believe that we are much freer to love when we are filled with peace.

MeAgain said;
we can Pray one for another and when folks post prayer needs, we should have been showing the world for all these years, how we check the prayer board and bear one another's burdens and thus fulfill the law of Christ.

Thank you for this gentle word of reproof. I am guilty of getting too caught up in proclaiming MY OWN thoughts, and can get too egocentric, and forget to pray for others on the forum.

Annie, I pray that God will strengthen you in spirit, body, and mind, and pour his power and love into your weak, frail body. May you walk in his strength today. I rejoice in what he has done in your life (in your mind), and in how he has shone his light through you. May you experience divine healing. (edit: link removed)



 2006/1/26 9:02Profile


Diane, I appreciate your paragraph to me.

Thank you for your prayers.

Love you,
me again

 2006/1/26 15:40

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