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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : The Da Vinci Code

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Joined: 2006/1/18
Posts: 4
Salisbury, United Kingdom

 The Da Vinci Code

Hi all just read The Da Vinci Code as I have been getting loads of questions at work about it so i thought i had better read it so i knew what they was going on about! My question to is this...

How do i answer people when they say everything in the book is true?!

I try but i just do not seem to be able to answer in a functional way!!

Matt Renyard

 2006/1/18 18:28Profile

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK

 Re: The Da Vinci Code

There have been a few UK TV programmes debunking the Da Vinci code nonsense. Tony Robinson presented one. It may have some reruns.

Ron Bailey

 2006/1/18 19:00Profile

Joined: 2005/2/8
Posts: 112


How do i answer people when they say everything in the book is true?!

First, ask them what piece of evidence did they see which convinced them that the book is true true.

(they probably won't have an answer)

Second, ask them if they read that little snippet in the preface that says "This book is fiction".

That should settle it.

 2006/1/18 19:13Profile

Joined: 2005/2/21
Posts: 417
Edmonton Alberta Cda.

 Re: The Da Vinci Code


I have to agree with what Bomar said. The book does state ( in small print) that it is fiction. If anyone persists, you could ask them if they believed The Harry Potter books are true to. That should get you into a more rational conversation.. LOL Greg


 2006/1/18 19:35Profile

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132

 Re: The Da Vinci Code

Hollywood is about to come out with a movie based on the D Code. :-(


 2006/1/18 21:17Profile

Joined: 2006/1/18
Posts: 14

 Re: The Da Vinci Code

It's simple. Reply with two glaring contradictions: 1. As some one already pointed out the book is FICTION! 2. The book also contends that Mary Magdaline(spelling?) was the wife of Jesus and a "goddess". While, at the same time claiming that Christ was not "diefied" until the second century by Constantine. How then is Mary a goddess if Jesus is not God. The idea is absurd in and of itself. If the book is true then there is no logical basis for Christainity and the apostles went to their death for a mere mortal. Which, ofcourse, makes no sense.
As for the idea that early Christains constructed their churches with pagan symbols mixed into the designs of the buildings, it is, or should be irrelavant to an individuals personal relationship to Christ.
correction: Sorry, Constantine was third to fourth century, not second.

 2006/1/19 3:06Profile

Joined: 2006/1/18
Posts: 4
Salisbury, United Kingdom

 Re: Thanks

Thanks everyone. A great help. :0)

Matt Renyard

 2006/1/19 18:17Profile

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