Please explain 1 Corinth. 14:34 & 1 Timothy 2:11 - 12We had quite a discussion about this in Sunday School today.
_________________Wayne Ferrel
Well I can't really explain those verses to you that well brother. But their is a sermon that I listend to about women in the church maybe you could listen to it and it would help you out a bid.Their by Derek Prince is "Women in the church part 1" is "Women in the curch part 2"Well brother I hope this helps.Brother, Eloy
_________________Eloy Lopez
We have touched on this topic previously. Some of the comments may be of interest to you. Please try [url=]Can women preach/teach in church?[/url]
_________________Ron Bailey
You may want to listen to this sermon by Bruxy Cavey from Toronto: The Meeting House[url=]Can Women lead in Church? [/url]He speaks about how secular culture has influenced church thought, what Jesus taught,egalitarian issues etc..... interesting thoughts... Diane