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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : Down with the movements!!!

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Joined: 2005/12/24
Posts: 2
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

 Down with the movements!!!

Ok... now that my inflamatory subject has gotten your attention... I am noticing such a widespread displeasure with certain movements and Christian figures... here is a novel idea Christians:

What if we, as individuals and then little by little as groups place our supreme focus on the only movement that has never let any of us down. The Pentecostal, Baptist, Holiness, Charismatic, Prophetic, Catholic etc etc movements have a history of letting people down in spite of positive things. Why? Because they had people in them! I'm ready to lay them down... stop following Christian celebrities, stop chasing after the confrences that promise something more, stop chasing the cities where a new annointing is coming... and stay where He puts me and seek God for the power to be a part of his Great Commission. That is our movement. It is the movement that only Christ could do. He moved through history and then after he humbled himself in baptism there was a healing and preaching movement and calling for righteousness and his movement led him through the streets of Jerusalem to an upper room and instituted the Lord's supper. It went on through the streets to a movement of persecution and suffering, then a movement that shook the foundations of the Earth and split time and moved the heart of God to place all of the sins of the world on the Son. He moved into the depths and was dead for three days, and then his power moved the stone away and he rose victoriously thus defeating the decaying movement of death that tragically entered the world through the first Adam. He then moved down the road and revealed himself to people at the Lord's table... and then he moved his location to go to heaven and prepare a way for us. The movement would not end though, because he is now moving his people through the power of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the ultimate plan of the movement. The ultimate plan was not an earthly or man-driven movement... it is the Spirit of God moving his people down the path of time until his return and reign on the Earth! The ultimate movement is the Great Commission. It has moved disciples to their death to reach the lost. It has moved believers out of their comfort places to sacrifice for the Gospel. It sacrifices its image for Christ, not builds its own image up. Its ultimate goal is not one to build up ones self, but to build up the kingdom, with Christ as the cornerstone. It lays down EVERY hindrance and presses forward. It lays down arguments and lays down false doctrine to preach Christ crucified.

It is time we heed the word of God:

Ps 118:8-9
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in princes.

Guys it is better to trust in the movement that will never fail us than the scores and scores of movements that claim to be the true movements for this day. The true movement has been the same since Christ initiated it! We need a spiritual cleansing of all of our individual temples... get out the pride, the exploitation, the self promotion, the ways of man to get to God... it all needs to be cast out like Christ turned over the tables in the temples! Christ is moving! His will and word is going forth around the world! Stop being discouraged by what you see and decide everyday to be a part of the Movement he started then and he is continuing now!

Be blessed

BC White

 2005/12/28 18:24Profile

Joined: 2005/12/16
Posts: 122

 Re: Down with the movements!!!

The movements of God are not the problem, the men involved in them are the problem, and they try to maintain the movement on their own strength. They organize, establish a program, make a schedule, start a building fund, and the movement fades out and becomes just another church.

Read Azusa Street by Frank Bartleman, he was an eyewitness to a great movement of God. He also observed Satan's Attacks, mans weakness, and the results of the battle. He describes how it started with holiness, humility, and lots of prayer, and then when God's Spirit was manifested, the fakers, phonies and the hustlers show up, attack, and damage the work.

David Michael Paul

 2006/1/2 1:44Profile

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