I was talking to a friend about prayer and the story of Daniel praying and have to fight to get his prayer to reach heaven and the "force" or block that was blocking it. if anybody knows where that is in the bible please let me know. thanks a lotkeep seeking,NICK
_________________nick schmidt
I believe that would be Daniel 10:12 and following, if that is what I think you are refering to.Mike
_________________Mike Balog
Nick wrote: I was talking to a friend about prayer and the story of Daniel praying and have to fight to get his prayer to reach heaven and the "force" or block that was blocking it. if anybody knows where that is in the bible please let me know. thanks a lotkeep seeking,Mike has given you the references but I thought I would point out that there is no mention of Daniel having to fight to get his prayer to reach heaven. In fact, it tells us [v12] that his prayer 'reached heaven' immediately.If this was 'spiritual warfare' Daniel took no part in it. His business was with God. The 'angel' [v5,6] testified that 'the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me'. It was not Daniel who was blocked but the 'angel' and the 'angel' did not enlist Daniel's help. It was Michael, the archangel, [Jude v9] and the 'angel' that broke through, not Daniel. In fact Daniel was ignorant of the whole process until it was 'done and dusted'.I think it wise to let the angels get on with their own work in heavenly warfare. Then we can get on with ours, which is 'waiting on God in prayer'. Our focus is not 'heavenly warfare', or 'territorial spirits', our focus is God. Daniel made no contact with 'the prince of the kingdom of Persia'. His business was to maintain contact with God.
_________________Ron Bailey