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Joined: 2005/12/27
Posts: 1
Texas, USA

 God's presence so thick it swept the ships

Wondering if anyone else had heard the story (because I wanted to find out where it came from) that during one of the earlier revivals in this country, I want to say colonial days, that the Presence of God's Spirit was so heavy and real that when merchant ships approached the coastlines they were swept with the Spirit, men aboard fell to their knees in fear and awe of God and begged for mercy, asking to be saved. No sermons had been preached, only an amazing awareness of God and in light of Him, an awareness of their own sin.

It was recorded in a very old book and was read to me some time ago. I am searching to find out which one. If I find it I will post the answer here, but thought I'd ask if anyone else had heard this amazing revival story.

 2005/12/28 1:11Profile

Joined: 2004/9/21
Posts: 355
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

 Re: God's presence so thick it swept the ships

I am not sure who said it, but I heard that when Finney preached it had that affect on the sailors on the ships

Josh Williamson

 2005/12/28 8:48Profile

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132

 Re: God's presence so thick it swept the ships

I believe you'll find thoughs accountants by John Flavel in some of his writtings. Ive read some of hi stuff on-line but have read accounts as you described in his writtings---the set of books I have from him is 6 or 7 book all pretty wordy. But check on-line first .


 2005/12/28 9:47Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: John Flavel

have from him is 6 or 7 book all pretty wordy. But check on-line first .

A ramblers rambler ;-)
Right up my alley.

Haven't come across this in reading him, but it is very intriguing, will do some digging as well. Would love to find this, more so, would love for it to happen again.

Mike Balog

 2005/12/28 11:24Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: God's presence so thick it swept the ships

Well I must admit, it sure is a lot of fun searching. Have yet to come across it but here is a couple of interesting links:


[url=]Navigation Spiritualized[/url]

Mike Balog

 2005/12/28 16:32Profile

Joined: 2005/11/11
Posts: 26
belfast, Nothern Ireland

 Conviction as ships drew near American Ports at the time of Finney

Wondering if anyone else had heard the story (because I wanted to find out where it came from) that during one of the earlier revivals in this country, I want to say colonial days, that the Presence of God's Spirit was so heavy and real that when merchant ships approached the coastlines they were swept with the Spirit, men aboard fell to their knees in fear and awe of God and begged for mercy, asking to be saved. No sermons had been preached, only an amazing awareness of God and in light of Him, an awareness of their own sin.

A book entitled "When the Fire Fell" by George T.B. Davis catalogues the accounts of the Spirit of God moving upon the a "multitude of seamen" as they drew near the American ports around the time that God was using Finney.

You could try another book by the Rev. John Shearer his book "Old Time Revivals" was used in "When the Fire Fell" and may give a more comprehensive account of seaman being saved!


 2005/12/28 18:59Profile

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