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Joined: 2003/10/30
Posts: 1554

 Robert Murray McCheyne's secret

"A number of years after his death for instance, a minister came to visit his church at st. peter's church. And the caretaker agreed to show him around that famous kirk. As they were walking around the church they were discussing about the late beloved pastor of dundee M'Chyene, and the visitor was paticularily anxious to discover the reason for the young mans success as a preacher. 'What do you think' he said to the caretaker, 'is the secret of Mcheyenes great ministry? what was the secret of the power in the pulpit?' The caretaker looked at the minister, he said nothing for a moment but he just conducted the minister into the vestry. Now he said, 'kneel down by the chair' and the somewhat amused minister knelt by the chair. And in a most solemn tone the caretaker said: 'Now then.. start to weep. raise your eyes to heaven and cry to God. Ohh God bless me! Ohh God use me! OHH GOD I cannot go up to yonder pulpit until I know I have the might annointing of the Spirit resting upon me.' And looking into the face of that visiting preacher with tear filled eyes the caretaker said: 'That dear friend is the secret of the ministry of Robert Murray M'Chyene, He was a man of prayer.'
- This is taken from Robert Murray McCheyne - Saintly Pastor of Dundee (Famous Saints #1) by Stephen Hamilton at the 33 min point.

 2005/12/26 2:47Profile

Joined: 2004/7/4
Posts: 1014
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

 Re: Robert Murray McCheyne's secret

Good Stuff! I am at this time reminded of the verse in Colossions 3 1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2[b]Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.[/b] 3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.1-4Very often I find my mind filled with other things that do not spur me on toward godly living. A remember a sermon about snake eggs in your head by Bob Gladstone, very sobbering!!!!

Zeke Oosthuis

 2005/12/26 14:41Profile

Joined: 2004/9/21
Posts: 355
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


Wow! Very good, thank you for posting

Josh Williamson

 2005/12/27 1:56Profile

 Re: Robert Murray McCheyne's secret

'Now then.. start to weep. raise your eyes to heaven and cry to God. Ohh God bless me! Ohh God use me! OHH GOD I cannot go up to yonder pulpit until I know I have the might annointing of the Spirit resting upon me.'

Robert Murray M'Cheyne had tears...a broken heart...and he was mightily used of God during his few short years of ministry, and God is still using his testimony today.

 2007/5/19 13:08

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