Wow, right now on Fox News is a program called "Who Is Jesus?". I just heard the segment in which they interviewed a Jew and a Catholic Priest together, who were promoting the idea that "if we don't use our religion to work together, we're missing the boat". They continued to say how, even though they worship in different ways, and believe different things, they still pray together, and are ultimately serving God in their own ways.I just thought it was sad to see some people who many will see as authorities promoting a false faith. Maybe I'm not the only one who saw this program.Grace and Peace...
Well, watching more, I see that this is a whole program that's teaching about all the similarities in varying religions that mention Jesus, or have their own varying beliefs about him- Gnosticism, Islam, Catholicism, Judaism, and everything in between. I wish just once that we could get the straight-up, hard-core truth out there to the world in the way that these twisted messages are.Grace and Peace...
Ah guys, now they're going into doctrine, how much of it is challenged, "possibly not making sense", and how much of it is an adaptation of Greek mythology. "Are we going to accept it as written, or look for the clues to disbelieve?"This is something that I'm assuming they'll replay throughout the day. Lord, your will be done. How far the world has fallen.Grace and Peace...
Leave it to Fox "or secular TV" to keep the pot stirring, O well there just doing their job. :-)
Doesn't make sense to me that they try to understand 'doctrine' without God.Not saying that fox or tv is from satan, but satan will not promote or do anything that will lead one of 'his children' to Christ. I am curious though, who is Jesus according to this program? Their conclusion is probably all lies and deception.. :-(
"Are we going to accept it as written, or look for the clues to disbelieve?"
_________________Jonathan Veldhuis