[img]https://www.sermonindex.net/images/sogreat.gif[/img][b]So Great a Salvation - a picture of true salvation[/b]This is a very powerful inditment into the method of preaching of salvation in our backslidden generation of Christianity. It shows the genuine and true. I highly recommend you to listen to these 2 recordings which are on the level of the revival hymn recording.[b]So Great A Salvation - Part 1 (compilation)[/b]https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?lid=6706[b]So Great A Salvation - Part 2 (compilation)[/b]https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?lid=6818
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Would anyone want to do a text transcription of this recording? It would definetly be a task and take some time so pray about it. I would love to see this recording used more.
has anyone had a chance to hear this?