Last night, I met a couple from Scotland who have a ministry for supporting missionaries in Europe and Asia and they gave me a firsthand account of what is going on in England. I was shocked. Homosexuality is just one of many things. I thought Japan was a spiritual graveyard but it is becoming like that in Scotland. Here is some info about ScotlandScotland is the most violent country in the developed world according to a UN report. West part of Scotland is the unhealthiest region in Europe with high rates of heart disease, cancer and strokes. One of the highest rates of unwanted pregnancies in UK/Europe. Highest teenage birth and abortion rates in Western Europe. Suicide rate is double of Englandand anti-depressant prescriptions are 40% higher than UK. Etc, etc. They asked for prayers for the country.Just another place that needs revival.It used to be a country that sent many missionaries to foreign lands.blessings,-james
_________________james thorpe
I am sorry to hear that about Scotland. May the Lord send revival to that land.It reminds me of John 3:19-21: "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."
James,Are you talking about the Judges? Crazy...I bet you are. I was just in Scotland for two weeks visiting their church they attend. The pastor and their family came from our church and planted the one in Judges were flying out the same day I flew into Scotland. I was bummed I missed them. They sound like an awesome couple (family) that has a really needed ministry.Your post sounded familiar, because I saw their power point while I was wife's best friend was the one that put it together for them, I think.more later.
Josh:YES, it was with the Judges. Thats amazing.Praise God! They gave the powerpoint as well. Cool couple and they bring their kids everywhere with them which is great. -james