[img]https://www.sermonindex.net/images/forum/2004/may/featured_news.gif[/img] WINTERVILLE, Ga., Dec. 20, 2005 Some say the United States is in the middle of another spiritual awakening. Christians are being converted through all sorts of nontraditional means Christian rock, video games, movies and even car racing but pro wrestling?Every weekend, Canton, Ga., middle school teacher Rob Fields becomes "Rob Adonis" leader of Ultimate Christian Wrestling, a league based in Georgia.Two Christian wrestling leagues operate across the South, visiting churches, colleges and other arenas throughout the country."This is what God's called us to do," Fields said.Ultimate Christian Wrestling's story lines and characters represent morality tales. "Beautiful" Bruce Biggins has been portrayed as the league's Judas, selling out Adonis' character.After roughly two hours of fairly typical if low-rent wrestling headlocks, "street fights," cheap shots and the like comes that little something extra. This past weekend's main event came right out of the Book of Revelations, with a depiction of God and Jesus judging the main characters harshly on Judgment Day. Only one got to heaven.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon