[img]https://www.sermonindex.net/images/forum/2004/may/featured_news.gif[/img] Dec. 20, 2005 Vast majorities of Americans believe in heaven and think they're headed there. But elbow room won't be a problem: About eight in 10 believers envision heaven as a place where people exist only spiritually, not physically.Eighty-nine percent in this ABC News poll believe in heaven, which is consistent with data going back 30 years. Among believers, 85 percent think they'll personally go there mainly in spirit, since 78 percent say it's a place where people exist only spiritually.Who gets in is another matter. Among people who believe in heaven, one in four thinks access is limited to Christians. More than a third of Protestants feel that way, and this view peaks at 55 percent among Protestants who describe themselves as very religious.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon