[img]https://www.sermonindex.net/images/gfa_banner.gif[/img]A 15-year-old Believers Church member was killed in Assam, India, due to the continued ethnic fighting. Vidyasingh and one of his friends were returning to their recently destroyed village to recover some food when they were ambushed and shot. It was three days before the area was safe enough for his body, which bore nine bullets, to be recovered. Two days later, 35 houses in another village were torched. Each of two militant underground groups are trying to force the other out of their land. "It looks as if the nightmare is going to start all over again," wrote our GFA correspondent. At present, he says, the Karbi and Dimasa tribesmen are not willing to discuss a compromise. GFA Bible college students and missionaries are continuing to minister in the midst of the conflict. They ask for your prayers that hindrances such as travel restrictions and riots will not affect their ability to minister. Please remember to hold them up in prayer during this uncertain time. more info: http://www.gfa.org/gfa/latestnews
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon