I am starting this thread for us to share our thoughts and lessons on Leonard Ravenhills Book list given on another category. I am going to use this as a chance to Praise God for the First Book on the List I bought and read because it was on the LIST. YOU MUST READ "Azusa Street" by Frank BartlemanI will be quoting from this book the rest of my life. This book touched my very soul and answered questions about True Revival, why it is rare, and so fragile. How Satan attacks revival, how Satan uses News papers, teachers, and even other mis-guided Believers into attacking Revival. I hope the moderators will indulge me but I am going to repost that list here again and please I hope and pray this will be a popular topic. I personally need guidance for my next purchase and there are so many good titles and authors on Ravenhill's list.Please help expand the list, I have noticed Brother Ravenhill mentions other nonlisted books throughout his large collection of Sermons, if you catch on please try to copy it down for the rest of us.From Brother Coops Posting, oh thank you Brother coopsRavenhill's Top 41 book Recommendations!(With online sources)1.Atonement - Albert Barnes (1860 exposition) *SOLD OUT2. Autobiography of Richard Baxter 24.95hardback*3. Azusa Street - Frank Bartleman (eyewitness account) 11.99 [possibly full? I don't know] 4. Better Things From Above - Gregory Mantle 9.95*5. Beyond Humiliation: Way of the Cross - Gregory Mantle 7.99 [portions]6. Bible Characters From the Bible - Alexander Whyte 34.997.Broken Bread - John Follette6.998. Christian in Complete Armour - William Gurnall46.99 hardback or 3 volumes abridged 24.99 [Vol1 & 2 online] 9. Counterfeit Christ & Other Sermons -Gregory Mantle 9.95*10. Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians - James G. Lawson (EXCELLENT) 10.99 or 16.95 hardback*11. Explore the Book (6 volumes in 1) - J.S. Baxter 89.99 hardback12. Fair Sunshine - Jock Purves 9.9913. Heart Talks on Holiness - Samuel Logan Brengle 8.9914. Helps to Holiness - Samuel Logan Brengle 8.99*15. Hidden Life of Prayer - David MacIntyre 6.95s or 8.95* 16. Historical Collections of Accounts of Revival - John Gillies SOLD OUT*17. In the Footprints of the Lamb - G. Steinberger5.95s* or 8.95*18. Into His Presence formerly titled: Practical Prayer Portions) - Misc. 18.95 hardback*19.Invasion of Wales by the Spirit Through Evan Roberts - James A. Stewart4.99 Brother Roberts helped Azusa street with advice and prayer20. Knowing God - James I. Packer 6.99 study guide, 15.99 or 29.95 hardback* [study guide]21. Knowledge of the Holy - A. W. Tozer 14.99LP, 12.99 or 18.99 hardback. Tozer is anointed among anointed.22. David Brainerd Life of - Jonathan Edwards 16.99 23. Life of God in the Soul of Man - Henry Scougal (this book changed George Whitefield's life) 8.99 24. Looking Unto Jesus - Isaac Ambrose (written in the 1600s) 30.00 hardback [possible match?]25. Martyrs Mirror - T. S. vanBraght (better & bigger than Foxe's book) 69.95hardback*26. Mighty Prevailing Prayer - Wesley Duewel("superb manual") 14.99 [portions at google print]27. Milestone Papers: Doctrinal, Ethical...on Christian Progress - Daniel Steele 8.99 28.New Testament Holiness - Thomas Cook8.9929. Path of Prayer - Samuel Chadwick (great teacher) 7.9930. Protestant Saints - Ernest Gordon(60 valiant souls; followed whithersoever) 9.95*31. Refiner's Fire - Leonard Ravenhill (2 volumes) 9.99 each or the set 18.0032. Reformed Pastor - Richard Baxter (should be required reading for all pastors) 7.9933. Samuel Morris - Lindley Baldwin (GREAT BIOGRAPHY) 5.9934.Soul of Prayer - P. T. Forsyth ("this book is always near and available") + Biography 6.95*35. The Stundists (Persecution of Believers in Russia)-C.A.W. SOLD OUT*36. "Take Your Glory, Lord" - William Duma (great biography from Africa) 18.95*37. They Knew Their God - E. & L. Harvey (good biographies) (6 volumes) 41.0038. Way to Pentecost - Samuel Chadwick (GREAT practical teaching on revival) 5.95BZ or 7.9939. Works of E. M. Bounds (8 volumes in 1 book) 19.99 [or here]40. Works of Edward Payson >>in parthttp://www.pbministries.org/articles/payson/the_works.htm41. Worldly Saints: Puritans As They Really Were - Leland Ryken 21.95* I would add that there are many places on the net you can find these books if you want to save money, I would encourage you to start a library at your fellowship, so you can share the light with others.Again God Bless You All and please post your recommendations
_________________David Michael Paul