I have been tremoundsly blessed by reading this small booklet by Duncan Campbell. There are many clear calls to get closer to God, may you be blessed as you read some of these thoughts of campbell:God is personality. Surely that is what McCheyne referred to in a letter which he wrote to Andrew Bonar and which I have seen. It reads: "Andrew, I seem to know Jesus Christ better than any of my earthly relatives." My brother, my sister, do you know Jesus Christ in that way? Is Jesus supreme on which you are relying? You can make decisions, you can come to a resolution, you can cling to a verse of Scripture and be doomed and damned for ever. The ultimate reality in the realm of Christian experience is simply this, that salvation is of God.A Christian is a supernatural being who has had a supernatural experience, and that is something more than singing choruses; that is something more than making a decision; that is something more than becoming a member of a chrurch; that is something more than enjoying Conventions. It is Christ at the center of my life.-Duncan Campbell
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Let us discover the secret that all the resources of the Christian life are in Christ Himself, as He lives in me, by His Spirit.-Duncan CampbellSome years ago it was my privilege to share a room with that great Indian mystic, Sadhu Sundar Singh, and I remember a story he told us of a conversation that he had with a Professor of Comparative Religions in the University of Cambridge- "Tell me," said the Professor, "what have you found in Christianity that you did not find in your old religion?" The Sadhu replied, "Professor, I found the dear Lord Jesus." "Oh, yes, I quite understand, but what particular principle or doctrine? Tell me, what new philosophy have you found in Christianity that you did not find in your old religion?" And again the Sadhu replied, "Professor, I found the dear Lord Jesus." You see, his witness was to a Person and not to a principle; to a life, and not to a philosophy: Christ was real.-Duncan Campbell