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Joined: 2005/11/22
Posts: 22

 what is righteousness?

What is righteousness, right standing with God? Or right standing with man? Or moral excellence?

 2005/12/18 0:09Profile

 Re: what is righteousness?

Jesus Christ is a [i]through[/i] person.

[i][b]Through[/i][/b] Christ, we have peace with God.....

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God [b]through[/b] our Lord Jesus Christ, [b][u]through[/u] whom also we have access by faith into this grace [u][i]in[/i] which we [i]stand[/i][/u][/b], and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
(NKJV) Romans 5:1, 2

Obviously, we can only have peace with God, if He regards us as 'righteous'..... so where does 'our' righteousness come from?

'..that no flesh should glory in His presence. But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God -- and [b]righteousness[/b] and sanctification and redemption -- that, as it is written, "He who glories, let him glory in the LORD." 1 Corintians 1:29 - 31

It is also worth noting the [u]completed[/u] work referred to in Hebrews 10:14 and that this is already eternal. What is that 'work'?

Is there any difference between these spiritual facts and our real righteousness in God's sight?

How do we bring our lives into line with this righteousness?

I mean, do these spiritual facts have anything to do with our 'standing before man'?

Does it matter what man thinks of us?

Who cares more, about the opinions of man... me, or God?

 2005/12/18 6:57

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Righteousness: God requries it

What is righteousness

Your question grabbed my attention because I happen to be in the middle of a word study on that very subject. I am using my concordance to find all the references to:

holy, and related words
in BOTH Old and New Testaments

Clearly, God requires righeousness and holiness in our lives. Therefore you have asked a very critical question, and it would be worth your time to examine what the scriptures say about righteousness.

It is far better that you get the answers directly from God, through the Spirit and the Word, then second hand from others.

Read also James 1:22 where you are challenged to let the sciptures be like a mirror, and reveal the truth about yourself. Otherwise a study on righteousness would be a fruitless waste of time.

May God bless you as you seek to understand his will, and as you desire to conform to it.

Thank you for raising the question. Perhaps I will share some of my discoveries later.


 2005/12/18 13:00Profile

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