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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 12/14/2005: GFA Relief Efforts in Kashmir Delayed


Gospel for Asia's construction of permanent shelters for those affected by the earthquake in Kashmir has been delayed until April due to heavy snowfall.

A GFA Compassion Services relief team is planning on constructing 25-30 houses for the families who are in desperate need of shelter. Currently, people are living in temporary shelters provided by the government.

GFA has been providing relief services to the Kashmir region since the earthquake hit months ago. A team spent eight days distributing food, medical treatment and blankets to the needy. They also handed out several tracts and New Testaments, all of which were well received.

After returning to Jammu, another team traveled to Kashmir with fresh supplies. Gospel for Asia's state leader and his small team attempted to get permission to construct permanent housing for the homeless victims of that region, but were not granted permission to reenter Kashmir until April due to heavy snowfall.

Thousands in the Kashmir region are still feeling the effects of the earthquake. As the winter months approach, those living near the Himalayan Mountains are in danger of freezing to death without proper living conditions.

Although the situation appears bleak, many have received food supplies of rice and lentils. Helicopters have brought food into the region through sling operations.

Please pray that the people in Pakistan and Kashmir would be warm this winter as they are currently living in makeshift homes. Pray that the GFA team will have access to enter the region to provide relief and show the love of Jesus Christ to those who are suffering so much.

more info:

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/12/17 14:26Profile

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