[b]Unction[/b]Oh, for the Spirit's mighty pow'r, The Unction from above! Oh, for a gracious heav'nly show'r,The fulness of God's love!This, only this, our one great need--Naught else can e'er prevail; Thus for the Unction now we plead--It only can avail.Our sins to God we now confess;To Him we yield our all, Believing He will surely blessAs on His name we call.And so we give ourselves to pray'rThat God may make us meet; For He must first our hearts prepare--His work in us complete.Then shall men turn to Calv'ry's streamWith burdened hearts of woe; Salvation then shall be our theme,And earth be heav'n below.Lord, send me a-praying..
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon