WHAT SHALL WE DO?A spirit of repentance marked the life of Duncan Campbell. How easily God broke him through a mere sentence from the lips of his teenage daughter!If the message of Duncan Campbell has found a lodging place in your heart and will not leave you alone, perhaps the Lord is about the process of helping you "break up your fallow ground" that He might work revival in your life. It is fairly easy to remove the outer layers of sin in our hearts. Total cleansing requires painful honesty before God, however. True repentance involves dealing with sin itself and its horrible offense toward a Holy God. It is not simply a matter of facing sin's consequences. There is Godly sorrow that leads to repentance; there is the sorrow of the world that results only in death. The convicting work of the Spirit of God is always sin-specific; that is, the Lord does not produce a general feeling of wrong, but a very specific labeling of our words, attitudes, actions, or motives as sin in light of the dazzling white righteousness of Jesus Christ.As the Lord moves upon your heart, like Duncan Campbell, you must "seek a meeting with God." Examine your heart before Him. Determine the motives of your heart, as revealed by that which tempts you. Identify the worldly pleasures that distract you from Christ. Seek to know how you have grieved God's Spirit. Become conscious that God observes and weighs every thought, word, attitude, and deed of your life. Define the specific teachings of God's Word which you are violating. Bare your heart before the Lord; then seek His forgiveness, and that of others. Make necessary restitutions. Be willing to humble yourself and to go to any lengths to set things right before God and your brother.God will meet with you, as He met with Duncan Campbell. He will take your failures and wash them in Christ's precious Blood, then use them to build a fresh message of His grace through your life to others. Will you dare to join Campbell and "go through with God"?
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon