Poster | Thread | Bomar Member

Joined: 2005/2/8 Posts: 112
| The Ministry of the Runner | |
The Ministry of the Runner
"Then the runners went throughout all Israel and Judah with the letters from the king and his leaders, and spoke according to the command of the king: "Children of Israel, return to the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel; then He will return to the remnant of you who have escaped from the hand of the kings of Assyria" 2 Chronicles 30:6
As I was reading the Word this morning, I was so richly blessed to see what a vital, and spiritual necessity was laid upon these otherwise ordinary runners. Israel was on the brink of coming out of apostasy and idolatry. The Lord had raised up a king who served God with all of his heart, mind, soul, and strength. And the Lord, in His mercy, gave a message. In reality, the message was a message of repentance. Come back to God, throw away your idols, your false gods you serve, and come back to Me. What a beautiful time of revival for the nation.
And yet, raising up a godly King, and giving a powerful message of repentance, was not enough to accomplish the divine plan. God needed men who would take copies of the message (letters, for paper was the only form of media in those days), and run throughout the entire Kingdom, giving copies, and reciting the message for all to hear.
This story gives one like me great encouragement. For, the Lord only had one king, and there was a small group of leaders, of whom the message came to. Yet the Lord, in his rich grace, and his willingness to use anyone who is opened to be used, included these runners as being necessary to this reformation.
I also think of the days of Martin Luther, how people took his 95 Thesis, made copies of it, and spread them around like wildfire throughout the heresy-dominated land of his day. God spoke through one, yet used thousands of unnamed, unrecorded saints to distribute this message. The only record of their faithfulness is in Gods Book, which is truly the only one that matters.
The application is this: You may not be a king, or even a leader, in your current office in the body of Christ. But God has made available to us powerful messages of repentance, and the scroll and quill of our day (internet, CDs, DVD, email) are actually much faster and more efficient than those of the past. So, lets take these messages, which are such profound messages of repentance from false ideas, false imaginations of Christ, false doctrines, false promises, and run with them. Give copies of these messages to whoever will receive. This is a valid ministry, for without the runner, the message stays confined to the place where it is delivered. Oh, let us run with fervency, giving every one of the members of apostate Christendom an opportunity to hear Gods calling, pleading for His church to turn back to God and His Word. And let us not look to our leaders or kings, whom the Lord speaks through, and be discouraged because we are not the ones speaking. For, the message is Gods and Gods alone, He chooses whatever vessel He sees fit for both the proclamation and distribution of His words.
| 2005/11/14 12:11 | Profile |
| Re: The Ministry of the Runner | | Quote:
You may not be a king, or even a leader, in your current office in the body of Christ. But God has made available to us powerful messages of repentance, and the scroll and quill of our day (internet, CDs, DVD, email) are actually much faster and more efficient than those of the past. So, lets take these messages, which are such profound messages of repentance from false ideas, false imaginations of Christ, false doctrines, false promises, and run with them. Give copies of these messages to whoever will receive. This is a valid ministry, for without the runner, the message stays confined to the place where it is delivered.
Here's a question: what 'message' are you running with?
When you arrive [i]breathless[/i] ... what 'message' do you deliver?
(In other words, what excites you?)
I was attracted to this thread by the title.
When I lived in colonial Africa, our 'post' was brought by '[u]the mail runner[/u]', who was [i]paid[/i] to [u]run[/u] with a small sack of mail from the post office to a small number of houses that were literally miles apart. How we looked forward to his arrival... |
| 2005/11/15 10:33 | | Bomar Member

Joined: 2005/2/8 Posts: 112
| Re: | | Quote:
Here's a question: what 'message' are you running with?
I make many, many copies of all of the really powerful, theology-destroying sermons :-)
Hell's Best Kept Secret 10 Shekels and a Shirt A Call to Anguish Judgment Seat of Christ What Does it Mean to Accept Christ Revival Hymn
SermonIndex is loaded with teachings that the majority of Christians have never been exposed to. It is time for the people of God to repent of modernism and return to the old paths.
| 2005/11/15 10:41 | Profile |