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 Al-Qaeda calls Queen an ‘enemy of Islam’


AL-QAEDA has threatened the Queen by naming her as “one of the severest enemies of Islam” in a video message to justify the July bombings in London.
The warning has been passed by MI5 to the Queen’s protection team after it obtained the unexpurgated version of a video issued by Al-Qaeda after the 7/7 attacks. Parts of it were broadcast on Al-Jazeera, the Arabic satellite channel.

In the video al-Zawahiri not only labels the Queen as one of Islam’s “severest enemies” but also sends a warning shot to British Islamic leaders who “work for the pleasure of Elizabeth, the head of the Church of England”.

He said those who followed her were saying: “We are British citizens, subject to Britain’s crusader laws, and we are proud of our submission . . . to Elizabeth, head of the Church of England.”

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/11/13 16:36Profile

 Re: Al-Qaeda calls Queen an ‘enemy of Islam’

Our local republicans will love this. Long have they sought for a good reason to separate church and state, thinking they have it by objecting to monarchy, on principle (on grounds that it is unreasonable to give one family 'power' by accident of birth). There are republicans in the church, of course.

This could be quite an interesting discussion....

 2005/11/13 16:46

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