Hi Everyone, My name is Wesley here in Sacramento, CA. Would you know of any good Holy Ghost ran, non-prosperity, prayerfull Churches in the Northern California area? or maybe a web site to find one?Thanks for your help. Your prayers would be very helpful. :-)
I am involved with the Calvary Chapel movment and there are alot of churches in the northern california area:http://www.calvarychapel.com/ccof/churches/ca-north.htmI would not say that all of them are right on, but all of them teach through the entire bible, believe in the baptism of the Spirit, and are NOT into prosperity gospel teachings.Pray that the Lord would lead you to a fellowship that has many believers in Him, I trust the Lord will led you aright.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
If your looking for a small relational church. Vineyard's are good. Just be careful in some. :-P And over there, they might not be 'small' but have like 1,000 home groups ;-)
Hi WesleyJohn...I attended a few engineering conferences in northern CA over the past four years. I was amazed at the amount of Calvary Chapels that I found in the phone book (or internet). I attended a couple in the San Francisco area and Fresno. I truly enjoyed the fellowship! Like Greg (sermonindex) said, they were both Bible-preaching, spirit-baptism, non-prosperity churches. I will be praying that God will lead you to the right fellowship. :-)