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Joined: 2003/10/29
Posts: 62
College Station, TX

 Deeper Waters 2005 THIS WEEKEND!

Hey everyone - just wanted to drop a request for prayer as this weekend is IGNITE Ministries' annual retreat here in College Station, Texas.

Last year, by God's grace David Ravenhill came down to share, and the talks he gave are in the top 20-25 MOST downloaded here on

This year, we are really excited because not only is David Smithers ( coming down to share with us, but God is doing a great work in drawing many people from various ministries together to seek His face in unity this weekend!

Who know what God will do when He is given the preeminence, the first place, and the hungry and thirsty come from all around to seek the Lord together? By His blood we can!

If you think about it this weekend, we at IGNITE ( would appreciate you lifting not only the weekend, but the whole Brazos Valley unto Him, that He would pour out His spirit upon us, that we may know Him and the lost would flock to Him.

Jesus is worthy!

Ryan Couch

 2005/11/11 11:08Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Deeper Waters 2005 THIS WEEKEND!

Brother thank you for mentioning this to the body at SermonIndex. I will try and download the sermons by smithers after they are up. I do pray that God will make the sessions and time of edification and change in the hearts of the people gathered.


SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/11/11 11:45Profile

Joined: 2003/10/29
Posts: 62
College Station, TX


Thanks brother -

I'm sure Chad or myself will get the sermons to you as soon as possible!

Ryan Couch

 2005/11/11 13:01Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: Deeper Waters 2005 THIS WEEKEND!

Excellent brother.

Did not know that about those messages, have listened to them a number of times (Note* The line about "the Lord could have created the world a million years old for all I care" {paraphrased} was taken from these) keep wanting to make mention of them especially being that they have been downloaded so many times. It's a great series that can be found here; [url=]David Ravenhill[/url] 4 messages under the heading "Deeper Waters".

Will be praying for the weekend.

Mike Balog

 2005/11/11 15:35Profile

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