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Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC

 Ravenhill Tract

Recently I was talking to somebody online and we were brainstorming about trying to come up with a possibly creative sign of sorts that one could use for open-air witnessing, especially if speaking technically isn't allowed in an area, but one might be able to get by with using some sort of sign instead. I was trying to encourage this individual to consider something not very cliche like e.g. "Turn or burn" type stuff.

So, we got to thinking and one thing led to another, and the idea was proposed that perhaps a tract could be created using Leonard Ravenhill's tombstone as a picture, something that everybody could use, and that nobody would have to buy. Something that everybody could print off from their own computers at home. That way one wouldn't have to shell out big bucks to actually buy a lot of tracts from some web site on the internet.

So I set to work on it, and came up with the following. I would encourage people to do the same, and hopefully, better than I did. The idea behind it is that this image is something you can hopefully print several times on a single piece of paper, and then simply cut along the black line, and then distribute on your own. This should work good on both color printers and b&w.

Jimmy H

 2005/11/7 23:49Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Ravenhill Tract

Tremendous idea and great tract!! I might and try to take it and make it a pdf fiting it 4 times on the paper. Very convicting and to the point. I like it brother.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/11/7 23:54Profile

Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC


Cool beans :)

Jimmy H

 2005/11/7 23:59Profile

Joined: 2005/11/7
Posts: 4


First time on. Enjoying the site very much. Whats the tract that you're referring to?

 2005/11/8 0:17Profile

Joined: 2005/1/5
Posts: 432

 Re: Ravenhill Tract

Man, that's awesome.

There's actually another string that was started by an article talking about "commercialized christianity", and how it's such a popular modern-day thing. Just looking at what's available, even many tract-selling companies seem to be more of a moneymaking industry.

Now, I know there's some good ones, that use the money to support other ministriens, and things like that. But SI, have you ever considered maybe making a section where we could have files for tracts like this one that we could just print off- cut out the middleman, so to speak? Or maybe get a group together that could go through and find the good ones out there, and make a list of which companies are selling good stuff, and seem using them as more than revenue-makers.

Anyway, just a thought. I would love to have more great tracts like this available! Thanks, KingJimmy.

Grace and Peace...

 2005/11/8 0:28Profile

Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC



Just click on to access the tract.

Jimmy H

 2005/11/8 9:33Profile

Joined: 2005/2/16
Posts: 621
Cache Valley, Utah


Well done KJ!

Eli Brayley

 2005/11/8 10:40Profile

Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC


That's a good idea groh_frog. I was thinking of suggesting such as well, that perhaps SI could host some free online printable tracts that everybody could upload? Maybe we could gear them around the preachers represented on this site and make use of their great little quotes? I guess we could always just post whatever one's made in the forums. I wonder what Greg might think of it?

Jimmy H

 2005/11/8 11:05Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I think its a great idea and you are right Jimmy it would be good for people to just post them in the forums. I think your tract is simple yet very effective!

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/11/8 11:23Profile

Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC

 Full Sheet

I just went ahead and made the tract so that there are 3 of them on a sheet, for people who might not have printers/photo editors that allow you just to print off as many will fit on a single 8.5x11 sheet of paper. I can almost fit four on a sheet, but not quite. Here it is:

Jimmy H

 2005/11/8 11:31Profile

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