When a book's rear end says it is designed to replace a Christian classic,it is quite a claim to live up to. However this book may live up to its claim. It is not quite so comprehensive as Vine in the New Testament but is much more complete in the Old Testament. Being an 'expository' dictionary it is bound to have the author's bias but this is an excellent book and one of those which really 'ought to be on every Bible students shelves'. Currrently available at £15.05 ($16.47) and free 'super saver postage' this is incredible value. It is beautifully produced and well bound to sustain it through a lifetime's service. Go get one![url=http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1565636732/qid=1131380015/sr=1-3/ref=sr_1_8_3/202-1074407-5085418]Renn's Expository Dictionary of Bible Words. UK readers.[/url] and [url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1565636732/qid=1131380538/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-9405375-2408829?v=glance&s=books]Renn's for USA readers[/url]
_________________Ron Bailey
Ron, Do you have any more information on "Stephen D. Renn"? Do you know his theological backing at all or denominational tie in? Looks very interesting.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Stephen D. Renn has served as the Head of Biblical Studies and Academic Dean at the Sydney Missionary and Bible College, lecturing in Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew (1986 - 2001). He was Principal of the Sutherland Shire Christian School from 2001 to 2003 and is currently Coordinator of Language Teaching at Inaburra School in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, with additional responsibilities for the teaching of history and Bible.This is from the Palm OS version. He is into [url=http://www.pastornet.net.au/fwn/2002/oct/art16.html]Christian Schools[/url] as this article makes clear.It looks as though the whole Book may be online [url=http://www.biblecentre.net/nt/greek/ed/ed-Index.html]here[/url] so you can give it a spin before you buy. Did I mention that the Book comes with a CD with the whole book on a pdf?but I haven't found anything to show his theological pedigree.Here is the URL for the [url=http://www.smbc.com.au/index.htm]Sydney and Missionary Bible College.[/url] where Renn taught for 15 years.
Ron,Thank you. It does seem he is quite well grounded. And at the price of $20-30 to have a whole volume of hebrew and greek words you can't go wrong. I am definetly going to have to add this to my collection of vines and strongs when I can.