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Discussion Forum : General Topics : The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe

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 The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe

Anyone planning on seeing this movie when it comes out? Anyone besides me have any issues with C.S. Lewis' personal "doctrine", and his effect on the Church?


 2005/11/7 10:55

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779

 Re: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe

Hi there, Krispy...!

The topic of whether or not Churches should use it as a "teaching tool" or "evangelical tool" was discussed some weeks ago. It was an interesting topic.



 2005/11/7 10:59Profile


Ahhh... I just scrolled thru there, thanx for the link.

Well, I dont want to start a parallel universe with this thread, so I'll let people decide whether or not to post on this thread or post on the other.


 2005/11/7 11:25

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