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Joined: 2004/4/5
Posts: 952

 Beyond Belief Teachings

Does anyone know anything about this?
Our Youth is going to go to one of their concerts.

The man's name is Josh McDowell, or Josh McDonell.

I really would appreciate any info on this.

Thanks, and God Bless.


 2005/11/6 21:45Profile

 Re: Beyond Belief Teachings

Josh McDowell is correct.

He was a atheist turned Christian because of the undeniable facts that back up the gospel. He wrote two wonderful books, 'Evidence that demands a Verdict' Vol.I and Vol. II both are wonderful books and really make you think, 'wow there really is FACT behind the gospel, not just 100% faith.'

From glimpsing at his 'smaller' version of the 2, he is very firmly rooted in Christ. But has taken a turn for the youth. Wherever you see his name, you see a wonderful ministry. I.e. when he is being quoted about another ministry or w/e.

I think anything associated with this man, is Godly things. It blows my mind how much influence he is having upon the body of Christ.

His stats seem to be exausted and rigorous. That he and his team put alot of effort into what they do. And, they share the info, which really shows alot about his character. He has tons of stats that will blow your mind.

Thats my 2 cents 8-) I give him 2 thumbs up. :-D

 2005/11/6 22:59

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


From the site:

One Million meet in small groups once a week over and above Sunday School classes.

53% attend Sunday School
61% attend Small Groups
Why such growth in small groups? Is it that they are more relational, personal and relevant? Are these small groups delivering solid biblical foundations? Will the growth continue? Will it alter the church of tomorrow?

Attendance will continue IF the substance is delivered with relevance -- modern, practical, and contextualized. Take advantage of the small group resources that are packed with relevance & substance and keep them coming back for more!


I think this brother is right on in his doctrines of christ etc.. the books that the other brother recommended: Evidence demands a verdict I had very early in my walk and its alot of great information! But his new take on culture and making the gospel cultrally relevant is something I have a hard time with. I do believe that home churches and small groups are a growing way of how church will exist. But I do not think the message needs to watered down or wrapped in an cutral overlay. this is not biblical and it really didn't happen in the days of the apostles. Everyone takes the scripture that Paul the apostle said: "I become like all men that I might save some." we have whole christian ministries and churches relying and leaning on that single verse.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/11/6 23:07Profile

Joined: 2004/4/5
Posts: 952


Thanks to you guys.
I just hate to see our Youth get mixed up in a Doctrine that when these people are gone, they won't be rooted and grounded in the Word.
This, the rooting and grounding in the Bible is what we all need more of.

I see a lot of our Youth in our Church, trying to live the Christian life in their own strength.
They get on fire for God, and then are back into the World in just a little while.

Only God can deliver them.
In His LOve
Nellie :-)

 2005/11/7 9:16Profile


This is a "sister" ministry of mine. It's so encouraging that they are going to a conferance with Josh in it.

I was thinking you are going to this? Yes? Hmm, would be wonderful to connect with this ministry because they are doing wonders within the school system.

 2005/11/8 9:28

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