Hey Guys,Can you please pray for my family.My dog and loyal companion of 15 years is about to end her life. Her heart is beating like crazy. She is disoriented and we don't know how long she has.It may be 2 Hours or 2 Months, but the Vet doesn't actually know.Please pray that our family can muddle through her death when it occurs, and that she doesn't die in pain.I am just struggling here, I have known her nearly as long as my brother of 16 years.Glory be to God for giving her such a long and healthy life.God BlessMichael
_________________Michael Hancock
Michael, you have them. Companions they are, God's gift to us...
_________________Mike Balog
Done asked Our Creator of all, to touch your companion. Am asking God to give you peace and help you through this situation. Mike
_________________Mike Androne
Thanks Guys and Gals.She has actually picked up since yesterday and seems to be happy at the moment and not in pain at the moment.Michael[img]http://members.optusnet.com.au/hancockmj/personal/2.%2025.2.2005%20compressed.JPG[/img]Taken in my bedroom on the 25.2.2005
Hi Michael,I pray that God will be with you and your Family.I know how you feel.I can tell Rosie is very special to you, so that makes her special to God.God is concerned about all our needs.God healed our dog, Tootsy of heart worms.The Vet said he did the heartworm test, and didn't do it.God Bless all of you.Nellie