i posted about how hating someone causes murder and then people got into how u shouldnt concentrate on ray comforts way. i dont understand why this shouldnt be concentrated on if its the most effective way. The law is used to show your a sinner and then the gospel is used to show gods love and how as a sinner you can be saved. The law breaks hardened hearts and the gospel heals the heart. you can use the spirit to guide you into saying ray comforts methods just by praying for guidance wisdom,love,courage, etc and it can still be effective.
I cringe when I hear, "Ray Comforts methods". Not because I don't use the Law, but because it's not Ray Comforts method, it's Gods! See Luke 10:25, Luke 18:18.Let's not forget it was Jesus who preached hate as murder, and lust as adultery. It's not, what does Ray Comfort preach? But what did Jesus Christ preach? Because what He preached is what we must preach.I preach hate as murder, and lust as adultery, not because of Ray Comfort (as great of a guy as he is), but because that is what Jesus preached!But of course, we must "speak the truth in love". There is a right way and there is a wrong way. The right way is to do it with love.
Hi Luckyd,Just a note. Please try and keep the topics together within the same thread instead of starting a new post, it will help to keep things cohesive.
_________________Mike Balog
Good point and well said :-) .
Romans 7:7 tells us that "Indeed I would not have known what sin was except through the Law". This is the basis for using it in sharing the Gospel: A sinner must understand their sin, and repent, or they will perish. Now, it's true that there seems to be a popular movement where the Grace is presented before Law: The cure before the disease, and it's a halfway gospel. It's manmade, and it's faulty. Would be cool to see the Truth out there...Grace and Peace...
Well I have read many of Ray Comforts books and have heard quite a few of his teachings and I can say I have never heard him call it his way!!!As a matter of fact his tv show is called "THE WAY OF THE MASTER" Not the WAY OF RAY. He is a pretty humble guy(from what I see) and wants to just inform the uninformed what Jesus Did.