Poster | Thread |
| Leaving G.N.N. | | I wanted to request prayer from everyone. I will be with the Great News Network staff for only a couple more weeks, and then going into full-time open-air focusing in on college campuses. Both GNN and I believe that this is of the Lord. I am leaving on great terms. And just request prayer from everyone. I will be traveling from campus to campus completely dependant on the Lord, and the provision He provides through individuals. I'll write more details soon, but wanted to request your prayers as this is a huge step in my life. |
2005/10/31 15:10 | |
disciplejosh Member
Joined: 2003/6/13 Posts: 210 Southern California
| Re: Leaving G.N.N. | | God bless you, Jesse, as you step out in this new area. Makes me think of where I was a couple of years ago...on staff at a church, paycheck, etc...but the Lord made it real evident to all of us two novembers ago that come January, I was to step out and begin bringing the church into the park via open air and purposeful acts of compassion.
Keep pouring out what's being poured in, bro. _________________ Josh
2005/10/31 15:35 | Profile |
PreachParsly Member
Joined: 2005/1/14 Posts: 2164 Arkansas
| Re: | | I will be praying for you. Hey, if you ever come to Arkansas let me know. I'm from Fayetteville, where the U of Arkansas is. _________________ Josh Parsley
2005/10/31 15:42 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | Brother,
The brethren at SI are praying and are supporting you as you go out in this manner of ministry. I feel that you have been involved so early on with this ministry and definetly God has had you cross my path and the saints on this website so that at a time like this we could uphold you in prayer.
I am excited to hear the testimonies and steps of faith you are going to take brother. Keep your faith resting in Jesus. _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2005/10/31 15:43 | Profile |
dougkristen Member
Joined: 2004/1/28 Posts: 360
| Re: Leaving G.N.N. | | Jesse,
Let me know when you come to the Rochester, NY area. There are many college's here in Rochester that desperately need the gospel!
In Christ, Doug Renz _________________ a Jesus freak
2005/11/1 16:15 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | Yes, if Jesse came that way I would love to come down and be involved. We are seeing if its possible to get Jesse up to canada and maybe if he does come we could do some cities in NY state also ie Rochester. _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2005/11/1 16:20 | Profile |
PreachParsly Member
Joined: 2005/1/14 Posts: 2164 Arkansas
| Re: | | Man... you guys make me want to just up and leave and come to Canada to preach with you all! _________________ Josh Parsley
2005/11/1 16:21 | Profile |
Eli_Barnabas Member
Joined: 2005/2/16 Posts: 621 Cache Valley, Utah
| Re: | | Brother Jesse! That is great news! Wow, that is awesome what you are doing! I will definitly be praying for you and if you ever come to New Brunswick (...maybe someday...) please let me know.
Bless you brother! -Eli _________________ Eli Brayley
2005/11/2 8:50 | Profile |
| Re: | | Here are some of the reasons why such a ministry is vitally important: - 80-90% of Christian youths leave the faith shortly after entering College. - College students are our countries future leaders; Lawyers, Doctors, Congressman, Senators, Presidents, etc. - Students come from all over the world to study in America. College campus preaching reaches into foreign countries by reaching the foreign students. - The college years are the years that many are re-thinking as well as discovering their own beliefs and worldviews. - In the free speech areas of major campuses we are able to get listening crowds of 100-500+ students for hours upon hours every day! - After a good open-air session in the free speech area, the entire campus is talking about the gospel! - Above all, we are losing an entire generation to the devil, and without Christ they will go to hell forever. So we'll be traveling from campus to campus, staying wherever we are invited or sleeping in my car, to reach our campuses with the gospel, supported entirely by Gods provision through individuals. Thousands upon thousands of lost souls will be able to hear the gospel through this ministry. I will be sending out regular reports through the e-mail. If you would like to start receiving these, shoot me a private message with your e-address. The newsletter will have photos, stories and answers to common questions.
2005/11/3 9:46 | |
crsschk Member
Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
| Zeal has ... | | Quote:
The brethren at SI are praying and are supporting you as you go out in this manner of ministry. I feel that you have been involved so early on with this ministry and definitely God has had you cross my path and the saints on this website so that at a time like this we could uphold you in prayer.
That is quite profound there Greg. Searching back to the day this *Zealot splashed on the scene, with a bit of a loud noise ;-) it is all quite incredible. The things stated that he had set out to do, a visionary with a vision, a missionary with a mission.
Not the least of which a great lesson was learned early on for many of us and personally it was in gaining something called 'forbearance'. It is quite interesting how mere wordings can be misconstrued, turned around, assumptions and presumptions all often due to not having some patience as well as forgetting the way the Lord would have us hold up a mirror first to our own selves, that we might catch a glimpse of the shards of timber logged.
It is quite extra ordinary to have followed along with a backward glance from then to now. That the Lord keep you Jesse right where He would have you and that we might keep your arms supported by our prayers.
*[b]Zealot ZEALOT, n. Zelot.[/b] [u]One who engages warmly in any cause, and pursues his object with earnestness and ardor.[/u] It is generally used in dispraise, or applied to one whose ardor in intemperate and censurable. The fury of zealots was one cause of the destruction of Jerusalem.
[b]Luk 6:15 - Called Zelotes[/b] - Some Jews gave this name to themselves, according to Josephus, (War, b. iv. c. iii. s. 9, and vii. c. viii. s. 1), because they pretended to be more than ordinarily zealous for religion, and yet practised the very worst of actions. [u]But[/u] this (says the judicious Bp. Pearce) Josephus says of the zealots, at the time when Vespasian was marching towards Jerusalem. They probably were men of a different character above forty years before; which was the time when Jesus chose his twelve apostles, one of whom had the surname of the Zealot. [b]It is very probable that this name was first given to certain persons who were more zealous for the cause of pure and undefiled religion than the rest of their neighbors[/b]; but like many other sects and parties who have begun well, they transferred their zeal for the essentials of religion to nonessential things, and from these to inquisitorial cruelty and murder. See on Mat_10:4 (note).
Adam Clarke ~~~~~~~~~~~
Just wanted to be sure I got the emphasis across there... _________________ Mike Balog
2005/11/3 10:19 | Profile |