Poster | Thread | groh_frog Member
Joined: 2005/1/5 Posts: 432
| The Wide and the Narrow Roads test... | | One of the ways that it's recommended that users get involved in Sermonindex is by burning sermons and distributing them among christians around us. Well, this is something that my wife have been doing for a little while just as someone had done to show us this site. Sometimes we'll email out sermons to our friends, and other times we'll make a CD and give it to someone we know.
Well, almost exclusively, we'll start by giving out the "Revival Hymn", Paris Reidhead's "Ten Shekels and a Shirt", and Ray Comfort's "Hell's Best Kept Secret". These are all amazing semons that demand that a christian be challenged in his heart, and demand a change if you aren't in service to the Lord.
Well, what we've come to find, is that there are generally two categories of people in this. Most listen to the Revival Hymn, and have something to say about it. The split comes in what they do next.
Generally the first group will feel challenged, and want to grow. They hear testimonies and challenges of some of God's servants, and want to be more in their service to God themselves. They'll go on to listen to as many sermons as they can get.
The second seems to be the more prevelent. They hear the "Revival Hymn", and think it's "interesting", or something like that. And that's it. One person who I just played it to thought that "it has lots to say". But when I asked why she doesn't reach out to non-christians in her service to the Lord, she seemed to be out of her comfort zone.
Generally, that's what I've found. Some people recieve the message, and take it to heart. Others seem to avoid it, and brush it off. Like "Revival Hymn" closes with, Leonard Ravenhill says, "The question isn't weather you're challenged, it's weather you're changed."
Have you guys had similar experiences? How else are you sharing the wealth of info that's on this site?
Grace and Peace... |
| 2005/10/31 2:43 | Profile | roadsign Member
Joined: 2005/5/2 Posts: 3777
| Re: The Wide and the Narrow Roads test... | | It's true that different people react in different ways. However, I suggest that we be careful how we divide up people. It takes time for spiritual truth to be absorbed. What we see on the surface may not always be an indication of what is going on deep within. I think of the parable of the sower and the seeds. There will always be a lot of seed that seems to sprout quickly and there is obvious enthusiasm, but when the testings come it becomes apparent that it didn't go deep.
Think of the oak tree. It grows roots for a long time before there is much evidence of growth.
There is also another tendency when we divide people up: We put ourselves on the "good" side. Diane _________________ Diane
| 2005/10/31 8:25 | Profile | crsschk Member
Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
| Re: Seed and growth | | Quote:
However, I suggest that we be careful how we divide up people. It takes time for spiritual truth to be absorbed. What we see on the surface may not always be an indication of what is going on deep within.
Well said Diane. Case in point. It is certainly much easier with the backward glance to see now the seed sowers, some that convicted without words practically, one that followed me around bombarding me with tracts, literature, reasoning, relentless... even as I tried to allude him. It actually brings a smile to think of now in a quirky kind of way. For a time I was working for a tune-up shop and they would often move me from location to location. None of that would deter this individual, he keep it up for quite a long time as much as I tried to dodge him. It was a mixed bag, conviction and annoyance ..."Oh no, here he comes again". Probably one of the stranger aspects that I recall was this whole timeline of end times out-workings. This would be in the early 80's, some 20 odd years ago, some of the 'kooky' things where this idea that you would be able to purchase gas and other items with some kind of debt card (which they had all tied into number of the beast etc.) at that time when gas pumps were still of a mechanical variety it was one of those things that you rolled your eyes at, silly Christians... We would go back and forth over the imagery and the thoughts on heavy metal music, which I was completely absorbed in, my argument coming from a musicians standpoint, his more from the evils portrayed in lyrics etc. He did turn me on to the Chrisitan band Stryper and whatever might be said they were instrumental (no pun intended) in also sowing seed, even if I might have been only 'pretending on the outside" at all of this. More silliness? A friend of mine and myself got tickets to go hear them at an outdoor venue. We dressed 'nicely' like we were going to church and got there to find that everyone else was just wearing the normal R'n'R attire... Over the course of a couple of years got to see them a couple of more times and for whatever was lacking in theology or even whether this is a 'proper' means of communicating as we might see it from this particular angle, after the fact, it was all used.
It would be almost 20 years later before all this seed really began to take root, it might have been 'just below the surface' and a lot of it might have been scattered, the perfect illustration of the parable, but somewhere along the line it took hold and one day a little shoot broke through the surface. :-D
Mat 13:15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
Some of us are rather dull of hearing... and [i]slow[/i] to grasp. Maybe it was the amplifiers ;-) _________________ Mike Balog
| 2005/10/31 10:07 | Profile | groh_frog Member
Joined: 2005/1/5 Posts: 432
| Re: | | Hey, you guys are right. Especially looking back at the title- it's not my place.
I think it comes from my not having the best week among my "fellowship" here. Sometimes, it really seems like "none seeks the Lord". Or in fellowship, how can so many seem so dead?
So again, thanks for the reprimand. You guys are right about it. I know myself to be more confrontational than helpful, a lot of the time. It's good, however, to see that accountability does still exist.
Grace and Peace... |
| 2005/10/31 22:50 | Profile | ginnyrose Member
Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: The Wide and the Narrow Roads test... | | Sir, as I read your post, I perceive you are wanting to see immediate results of your evangelistic efforts. As the other posters pointed out, they may not be forthcoming for a while.
For evangelism to be effective we must concentrate on being obedient to the Holy Spirit when he leads us to act. We are called to obedience. God gives the increase, always. You, all of us, are called to obedience. When we get this settled in our puny brains, it relieves us of a lot of responcibily we want to assume that only belongs to God. It liberates!
The Apostle Paul also talks about the preacher who preaches out of'contention' and his comment was that at least Christ is preached. This may explain why God allows people with questionable credentials to go on preaching because the Holy Spirit may use that sermon to bring conviction. It won't do the preacher any good if he fails in his walk with God but it can help another. Jesus tells us that on judgement day: "Many will say to me on that day,'Lord, Lord , did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons and in your name perform many miracles?" And then I will declare unto them 'I never knew you; depart from me you who practice lawlessness. Matt. 7: 23-24. (NASB)
So, now when I share the mercy and grace of Jesus with others I know it might take many encounters to bring that person to repentance and each encounter is very impotant to accomplish this goal.
Brother, I hope this helps.....when one understands this we can experiemce so much delight in just sharing the word!
ginnyrose _________________ Sandra Miller
| 2005/11/2 19:46 | Profile | roadsign Member
Joined: 2005/5/2 Posts: 3777
| getting carried away | | Quote:
Hey, you guys are right. Especially looking back at the title- it's not my place
Hey, Have you ever heard the phrase: "It takes one to know one.". .... So guess how I spotted your "flaw" so fast.... Diane _________________ Diane
| 2005/11/2 21:51 | Profile | groh_frog Member
Joined: 2005/1/5 Posts: 432
| Re: getting carried away | | Isn't it frustrating, though? I was talking to another christian just yesterday about witnessing to unbelievers- even if you're just giving out tracts, we're called to "make disciples of all nations". The answer I was given was that "I'm just not comfortable sharing my faith."
Man, I've been there. But I've been stirred. I wish I could stir others to know what I now know. How can we be so blind? If the christians aren't willing to reach outside of their comfort zone...
Grace and Peace... |
| 2005/11/3 2:31 | Profile | roadsign Member
Joined: 2005/5/2 Posts: 3777
| Re: wide path | | Quote:
"I'm just not comfortable sharing my faith."
This sounds like a contradiction, doesn't it? It would seem like this comment reveals which path they are on - the wide path. Most professing Christians are on the wide path, and we shouldn't be surprised. These people are only comfortable with their "faith" among their peers in church, but they fear rejection from those outside this comfort zone. They love the praises of man and fear his criticisms.
Being a true believer with genuine faith in God - ie being on the narrow path means being a stranger and alien in this world, and it means being rejected. (mostly by the church folk!!, just like in Jesus' day)
I've been there for many years, until God revealed that at 17 yo I had really asked the church into my heart to be my savior. (I had placed my trust in man)
So, be patient! If God could reveal my own need for genuine repentance, then he can do it for others too, and in HIS time. WE CAN'T DO THAT. I have shared my testimony with many who are still in the same bondage as I was, but they have no idea what I am talking about. Sharing my faith only motivates them to shun me. Nevertheless, there are those outside the church who are interested. They see my faith by my life. Diane _________________ Diane
| 2005/11/3 8:02 | Profile | groh_frog Member
Joined: 2005/1/5 Posts: 432
| Re: | | On that note roadsign, I just listened to a sermon by Zac Poonen called "Learning the Fear of God." In it he talks about the disadvantage that most Christians have by not knowing the Fear of God. But on that same topic, most Christians don't seem to understand the freeing power of Grace, because they don't understand the Law.
Man, I know myself to be impatient. I saw someone else with the signature including "son of thunder". That could fit me pretty well. But hopefully in some small way I can look back and hear "well done my good and faithful servant".
Thanks for the advice, and correction, y'all.
Grace and Peace... |
| 2005/11/3 12:33 | Profile |