[b]Pastor Ferdie Flores, a missionary in E Timor, is being executed [u]by beating[/u], on Tuesday, 1st November. Please pray for him to receive grace from on High[/b].(I received this prayer request from arbustum in the Sydney area of Australia, where it is already Monday morning at my time of posting this. She said 'tomorrow'; so let's pray now.)
I actually got an email from a friend this evening for this same missionary...there's a number of us over here praying too.May God be his refuge and strength in this time,a very Present help.Amen.
Just got a text message saying that he has been released!!!! Praise God for answered prayer!!! :-)
Has anyone else heard of this realease? If this is ture and you have heard this please write a message - I am too anxious to tell anyone incase this is a mistake. In Jesus' name it is true! God Bless
I've just texted my source to find out of she knows any way to confirm this news. I'll post again if I get an answer, no matter what time of day or night it is. It would be wonderful if he's FREE! :-)