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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Births to Unmarried U.S. Women Set Record


Nearly 1.5 million babies, a record, were born to unmarried women in the United States last year, the government reported Friday. And it isn't just teenagers any more.
"People have the impression that teens and unmarried mothers are synonymous," said Stephanie Ventura of the National Center for Health Statistics.

But last year teens accounted for just 24 percent of unwed births, down from 50 percent in 1970, she commented.

The increases in unmarried births have been among women in their 20s, she said, particularly those 25 to 29.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/10/29 21:04Profile

Joined: 2005/10/19
Posts: 124

 Re: Births to Unmarried U.S. Women Set Record

I wish I could be surprised by this but marriage has become nothing more than an option for relationships these days. Children are something that can be acquired to be raised, not a trust placed to us by God to both the father and mother who should be married. If revival does not come soon -- I beleive the numbers will grow till we get to the point of being rejected by God.

Let us pray that this will not be the case.


Ed Raby

 2005/10/29 21:13Profile

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