I am indeed stunned and speechless. I can't believe it that there is a resource like this online.Indeed a remnant will serve HIM.I particularly give all praise to God who has made this spring of resources of eternal worth.I'm particularly fed up with the majority of junk in the christian-media and have been seraching for the truth.I had always wanted to learn about the generations past and about those who uphold the truth of Christ's Gospel.I just give God thanks and can't even believe it that some people in America have their eyes fixed on Him and have not been carried away by the wave of pervessions prevalent in that country.I'm Nigerian and pray for you staff and God servants here at sermon index that His mercies will not elude you as you have yielded yourselves to propagate God's word, you won't be left behind.Thanks and God bless.
_________________Musibau Taiwo Lasisi
I am indeed stunned and speechless. I can't believe it that there is a resource like this online.Indeed a remnant will serve HIM.I particularly give all praise
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Yeah, that sermon changed the way I see myself, the way I serve, and well, basically, my walk with the Lord. That, and the Revival Hymn, to get you thinking...Grace and Peace...