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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Soul ties

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Joined: 2003/6/8
Posts: 16
Miami, FL

 Soul ties

Well. I havent been here in an eternity or two.

Anyways in studying the Bible I have found that good doctorine always uses Scripture to interpret Scripture. I have always heard of soul ties as a new Christian but never put too much thought into them. But now I am begging to question what they are and wether or not they really exist. Good literature on soul ties is hard to find on the internet, most sites I found offered little scripture backing up their claims followed by an example of a prayer to break them. So, could some of you offer input on this topic as well as any books or sermons that you have found useful.


 2003/11/19 10:46Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Soul ties

Well. I havent been here in an eternity or two.

Welcome Back ;-)

Anyways in studying the Bible I have found that good doctorine always uses Scripture to interpret Scripture.

I love that! I totally agree, we need to search the scripture diligently.. God will confirm each truth in his word with a witness.

I have always heard of soul ties as a new Christian but never put too much thought into them.

Could you please clarify what you mean by 'soul ties' I could guess at what you are trying to get at but I would rather just hear your clarification first.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2003/11/19 12:29Profile

Joined: 2003/6/8
Posts: 16
Miami, FL


Well, when people mention soul ties there seems to be a sort of mystic spookiness thats associated with them. I am speaking specifically of "ungodly soul ties" that comes from sexual relations between unmarried couples. I understand that sex is a spiritual act in which two become one flesh. (Shechem and Dinah's souls cleaved, not sure of the reference. Theres several other examples of this in scripture including one in the Garden of Eden) But I have read and heard people discuss the act of "breaking soul ties" and some say you have to pray specifically out loud to do so. That is something I have yet to come across in scripture. Where does that doctorine come from (historically and scripturally)?

There are also lots of other questions concerning this but simply cannot say in such a public forum. I would, however, enjoy discussing this with a few brothers including you, Greg. Let me know if you would like to continue this in a more private conversation thruogh email or PMs. I'm not picky.


 2003/11/19 12:47Profile

Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC


But I have read and heard people discuss the act of "breaking soul ties" and some say you have to pray specifically out loud to do so. That is something I have yet to come across in scripture. Where does that doctorine come from (historically and scripturally)?

I know nothing of any such "soul tie" doctrine in the Scriputres. However, if there is such a thing, ignore those who say you need to say some sort of magical prayer or something special in order to break them. That has no biblical basis to it whatsoever. He whom the Son has set free is free indeed. If you are in Christ, then you are free. If you are in Christ, then you sit with Him at the right hand of the Father, above all things, and any demonic powers.

Jimmy H

 2003/11/19 13:41Profile

Joined: 2003/6/8
Posts: 16
Miami, FL

 Re: Soul ties

This may be what I am talking about. I'm listening to the series now. Streaming in RM and WMP. Dr. Erwin Lutzer is speaking from Moody church. I'm not too certain about Lutzer but Moody is a scource I trust and plan on making Moody church my home church when I move to Chicago in a couple months.

More on this series when I'm through listening to it.


 2003/11/19 14:19Profile

Joined: 2003/3/15
Posts: 138

 Re: Soul ties

There is some biblical backing to the doctrine of "soul ties," but Greg is correct that if we are in Christ, he sets us free. I will mention more when I get the chance (working on some apps right now).

I would be more than willing to discuss further via email or pm.

 2003/11/19 21:40Profile

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK


But I have read and heard people discuss the act of "breaking soul ties" and some say you have to pray specifically out loud to do so. That is something I have yet to come across in scripture. Where does that doctorine come from (historically and scripturally)?

Hi SaikO
Others have said that there is little, if anything, to find in scripture along these lines and that should make us very wary on the 'doctrines' of such things. If it is not in the Book it is not in the Public Domain. I sometimes use an illustration of the danger we face here. Imagine two intersecting circles with one representing 'the story of man' and the other representing 'the story of the angels/spirits'. The intersection is where man's story and angels' story intersect and have some common ground. The Bible is really 'the story of man' (I know its more than that too). The story of man is in the Public Domain but the story of angels/spirits is not in the Public Domain. All that we know definitively about angels/spirits comes from this tiny intersection where man's story and the angels' story briefly touch. Some people have filled in the whole of the angels' unknown circle from the the little evidence we have in the intersection; this is folly and dangerous folly too.

However, there is 'extra-biblical revelation. (Hold on, I will explain myself) This whole area is what we might call 'discernment of spirits'. This is not the establishing of doctrinal statements, or worse, methodologies for dealing with such things. It is on-the-spot revelation that God gives. Someone who is being (note my tense) taught of God may well see spiritual truth about 'soul ties' or 'psychic links'. If they do it was not to satisfy their curiosity nor to be written into a methodology manual; it was to equip that person to deal with that situation at that time. To store this information as a 'doctrine' is unwise and has no scriptural authority.

I once saw a book on 'discerning of spirits' in the form of a programmed text. If 'so and so is true go to page 14'. Then page 14 would have another series of possibilities; if 'so and so is true go to page 23'. The culmination of this book was an appendix with a series of prayers to pray. The idea being that you worked through the programmed text, arrived at the relevant section of the appendix, prayed the prayer and spirits were expelled. This is methodology gone mad! But it is too easy to be drawn in to a more acceptable version of the same folly by developing 'doctrines' and 'solutions' on the basis of individual discernments.

This is dangerous territory. Unless you are led into it specifically by God, keep your distance. Sorry if that sounds a bit heavy handed but in this realm we either have discernment and we know what we are about OR we are playing with fire. The dangers are that our curiousity may result in Christians stepping into the front lines of spiritual conflict armed with nothing more than a paperback manual.

Ron Bailey

 2003/11/20 4:52Profile

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