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Discussion Forum : Articles and Sermons : Are there any contemporary preachers who present the Law besides Ray Comfort?

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Joined: 2005/10/28
Posts: 246
Logan City, Queensland, Australia

 Are there any contemporary preachers who present the Law besides Ray Comfort?

Are there any contemporary preachers who present the Law in their sermons and evangelism principles besides Ray Comfort?

I know Mark Cahill does, as does John MacArthur and even David Wilkerson sometimes. I'm a regular visitor to Todd Friel's website, but is there anyone else today who isn't affiliated to Living Waters/Way of The Master who has came around to the same conclusions regarding Biblical Evangelism?

Benjamin Valentine

 2005/10/28 9:10Profile

Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC

 Re: Are there any contemporary preachers who present the Law besides Ray Comfort?

Any preacher that speaks against sin is using the law of God in order to do so.

Jimmy H

 2005/10/28 11:19Profile

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