I have just the finished the book "practing the presence of God" by brother Lawrence. I recommend this book to all believer's who want a closer and a more intiment relationship with Christ.
_________________Lawerence Cade
Definitely Eljaa;I read this about a year ago, and I'm saddened to say to read something like this and not then make it a part of your life is worse than not reading it at all, a crime I'm extremely guilty of. this marvelous book can be found here though:[url=http://www.practicegodspresence.com/brotherlawrence/practice-presence-god.html#conversations]Practicing the the presence of God - Brother Lawrence[/url]I really should this read this again and actually follow the advice this time :-o matt
May I throw in my vote too?I read a book with Bro Lawrences's conversations, and had some journal entries from Frank Lubach in it too, which where also fantastic. A must read, not because its a classic, but its a classic because its a must read... :-D
good book.the main thing i got from it. 'Think of God in all you do.'Dish-washing, brushing-teeth (not said), walking down to work...etc. THINK OF GOD during all of these. What comes to my mind is 'Love God with all your MIND'. (heart, soul, strength..also)