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 My book journey

I resently finished reading [b]The Practice of the Presense of God [/b] by Brother Lawerance and [b] The Calling[/b] by Brother Andrew

Lawerance's book was kinda boring. But for the 'nugget' that was in it. It was worth the reading. "Think of God in EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO". I do remember past times in my life when I was ablaze to the world 24/7 (cloud by day, fire by night) and the reason for that was 'thinking of God in everything'.

Andrew's book is a youth edition to the follow-up of God's smuggler. It opened my eyes to the persecution to even give someone a bible. 1 million to china, 40 million ? (maybe more) to russia.

I just resently bought some small biographies on the Salvation Army founders and also Charles Spurgeon. A good bio on Watchman Nee (never heard of him till this site). Watchman Nee's book [b]normal christian life[/b]. And Ravinhill's [b]Why Revival's Tarry. [/b]

I never knew the Christian book store had any historical books of the past. They had few, alot on Tozer, Lewis, and Spurgeon.

I looked over Wilkerson's [b]The Cross and a Switchblade[/b], I was shaking when I read this book. Probly cause I was squated to look at it. But it hit me when I looked the book 'wow... all these people..... all wonderful.... i wish i would've known about them a while back'.

Together it was 20$ for the 5 books i bought. Cheap!! Hehe, i had some coupons! (i basically got 3 for free)

I am also reading [b]Wild at Heart[/b]by John Eldgridge. Then a commentary on Nehimiah 'the disciplained leader' Also...[b]Revolution[/b] by the founder/leader of Gospel for Asia. And [b]Revenovation of the Heart[/b] by some don't know who, its a youth book purpose to create a desire within the youth to live radically for Jesus.

Lots of books, will take months..pending on the free time I get. So, this post is two fold. One to say 'this is what im reading and read' and also 'I wouldn't be reading half the books im reading, if i never been to this site' (Praise)

Loving. :-P

 2005/10/23 15:48

Joined: 2003/9/30
Posts: 386
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

 Re: My book journey

[b]1. Brother Lawrence[/b]

I enjoyed this book. I would add to your comments that the "practice of the presence" is not merely a matter of the [i]mind[/i] but also of [i]attitude[/i] and [i]heart[/i]. It permeates through our whole being, will, emotion, and mind. Our minds might be engaged in our ordinary work, but the prayer of the heart never ceases.

[b]2. Watchman Nee[/b]

[i]Normal Christian Life[/i] is my all-time favourite. His short sermons in [i]Twelve Baskets Full[/i] are hard to find and rarely mentioned, but I find them very edifying.

For more contemporary writers on spirituality, I find [b]Eugene Peterson[/b] excellent. Most people know him through his paraphrase of the Bible, [i]The Message[/i], but I am attracted to his down-to-earth, thoroughly Bible-centered writings.


 2005/11/2 10:58Profile


I dont know much about Eugene Peterson other than the Message translation.

So far, [b]Wild at Heart [/b] is a wonderful book. Really shows you 'what does it really mean to be a MAN' and does alot for your soul.

 2005/11/6 23:19

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