Read this correspondence to see how the sermon transcription of 'Ten Shekels and a Shirt' came to be:
---------------------------- Letter to Mrs. Reidhead - 9/20/93
September 20, 1993
Mrs. Paris Reidhead P.O. Box 5240* Woodbridge, VA 22194
Dear Mrs. Reidhead:
I am sorry to learn of your husbands' going to be with the Lord last year. I was hoping that I could have spoken to him directly. I acquired a copy of his tape "Ten Shekels and a Shirt" from Rare Christian Books in Decatur, TX** about three months ago. I bought it simply because their catalogue said it was their most popular tape. This fact struck me, considering they have many tapes of sermons from the likes of A.W. Tozer and Leonard Ravenhill.
Well, I got the tape and listened to it and thought it had a good message, but not one that I would have thought would out sell all the others listed in Jack Morrison's catalogue. Then about two months later I listened to the message again, driving in my car. The message became clearer and stronger, and over a one week period I must have listened to it twenty times. It truly is one of the most powerful messages I have heard if not THE most powerful and needed in Christ's church today.
My request of you is a simple one. I would like to transcribe the message on my personal computer and hand it out at my church (I am the librarian). I know Mr. Reidhead, in his message how the tape came about, stated that the message would never be transcribed. But the message is so vitally needed in the present church that I wonder if you might reconsider his request.
What ever your decision is I will abide by it. My prayer is only that you would give this request prayerful consideration.
In Him with you,
William T. Evanochko, Ph.D.
p.s. I am presently reading Getting Evangelicals Saved. -------------------
Mrs. Reidhead's Letter of 9/28/93
Paris Reidhead
Bible Teaching Ministries P.O. Box 556 Denton, MD 21629 410-479-1389
September 29, 1993
Dr. William T. Evanochko 5501 Belpine Trail* Birmingham, AL 35210
Dear Dr. Evanochko:
Thank you for your recent letter in regard to transcribing the message, "Ten Shekels and a Shirt." I am indeed grateful that the truth of this powerful tape has gripped your heart.
My husband felt that this message, preached at Bethany Fellowship years ago, had been inspired by God and given under the unction of the Holy Spirit. Paris was a perfectionist; he felt that if the message were to be transcribed that he might discover errors in grammar and syntax, and that in his zeal to correct the grammar he might lose the spirit of the message. He felt that he could not subscribe to that procedure.
I know that you have given this request prayerful thought. I do not feel that your request to transcribe the message is out of order. It is surely a message which is vitally needed in the present church. When you have completed the transcription will you please send me a copy for the Bible Teaching Ministry files.
I trust that "Getting Evangelicals Saved" will be of equal blessing.
In His service,
Marjorie N. Reidhead ----------------------------
Mrs. Reidhead's Letter of 11/17/93
Paris Reidhead Bible Teaching Ministries P.O. Box 556 Denton, MD 21629 410-479-1389
November 17, 1993
Dr. William T. Evanochko 5501 Belpine Trail* Birmingham, AL 35210
Dear Dr. Evanochko:
Your letter of November 9, and the parcel containing the transcription of "Ten Shekels and a Shirt" arrived several days ago. May I commend you on the excellent piece of work. It is truly a labor of love for our Lord Jesus Christ. With the variety and size of print in the booklet form you have captured the expression and voice emphases. Thank you for a job well done.
I would be happy for you to send Jack Morrison a copy of the transcription. I have friends who have also requested copy. We pray that God will bless and use the printed word as He has the spoken word, of "Ten Shekels and a Shirt."
Thank you for your concern about having this sermon published as a booklet. At the present time I am working to get the book "Getting Evangelicals Saved" reprinted. My youngest daughter, who is an editor for W.W. Norton, Inc., is helping me with the presentation to publishers. Please pray with us that this will be accomplished.
Yours in His Service,
Marjorie N. Reidhead _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon