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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 About Bible Teaching Ministries

[b]Bible Teaching Ministries[/b]

Paris Reidhead devoted his life to communicating the message of the Gospel in America and throughout the world. Upon returning to the United States in 1949, after a period of service in the Sudan, East Africa, Reidhead soon became a nationally recognized spokesman for missions. International mission societies welcomed him as a Bible teacher and conference speaker. In 1953 Reidhead began his national Bible conference ministry for the Christian & Mission Alliance. In 1956 he became pastor of the Gospel Tabernacle, the New York City church where the C & M A was first established by Dr. A. B. Simpson in 1887. He was pastor there for ten years.

It soon became evident to Mr. Reidhead that neither time or finances would permit his acceptance of the worldwide invitations received. Hence Paris Reidhead Bible teaching Ministries, Inc. was organized in August, 1986. From the very beginning of the ministry the highest priority has been to provide pastors overseas with teaching tapes. Most mission field pastors have seldom had opportunity to share in a Bible conference. Many do not have Bible School or Seminary training. Christian Fellowship groups in universities, chaplains in prisons, captains in military and police centers and churches have set up reading rooms, lending libraries and listening centers, monitored by mature Christians, to expand the effectiveness of the books and tapes Bible Teaching Ministries provides.

Since Mr. Reidhead's death in 1992, Bible Teaching Ministries, Inc. continues to grow internationally under the leadership of a dedicated Board. The message of the Gospel is reaching an ever-widening audience all over the world.

I encourage you to go to their website at:

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2003/11/18 1:02Profile

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