Poster | Thread | ZekeO Member

Joined: 2004/7/4 Posts: 1014 Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
| A broken heart | | Read this scripture:22For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name's sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people.
23Moreover as for me, [b]God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you:[/b] but I will teach you the good and the right way:
24Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you. 1 Samuel 12:22-24Really been broken again, how many people depend on our prayers? How many people has God layed on our hearts that we have'nt lifted up to the throne?
It is interesting that Samuel said that he was'nt sinning against the people, but against the Lord.
Just to add to this:17Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17James is so practical. I think to myself often, that my proffesion of doctrine does not match up to my actions. Something along the lines of, you only as real as you are. :-? If that makes sense.
Anyway blessings all, _________________ Zeke Oosthuis
| 2005/10/17 1:10 | Profile | Eli_Barnabas Member

Joined: 2005/2/16 Posts: 621 Cache Valley, Utah
| Re: A broken heart | | Yeah brother. _________________ Eli Brayley
| 2005/10/17 9:22 | Profile |
| Re: A broken heart | | Zeke,
Very touched by what you've shared here and taking it to heart for myself.
Within the context of the chapter you quoted, Samuel had not failed.... but he would fail if he [i]ceased[/i] to pray for the people.
The Lord may have brought this to your attention - to deepen your commitment to prayer ministry - but let your heart be encouraged by His word to you. :-)
| 2005/10/17 10:05 | | TLC Member

Joined: 2005/10/14 Posts: 2
| Re: A broken heart | | Really been broken again, how many people depend on our prayers? How many people has God layed on our hearts that we have'nt lifted up to the throne?
24Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you. 1 Samuel 12:22-24
23Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way:
Thank You, for these verses - they have brought much strength and encouragement.
God Bless You, -TLC
| 2005/10/17 10:26 | Profile | crsschk Member

Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
| Re: A broken heart | | Thank you ZekeO,
Interesting how similar;
1Co 9:16 For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, [b]woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel![/b]
Maybe the catch all is in [i]for necessity is laid upon me[/i]
Think there is something very subtle in that which you quoted and depending on the burden we all sense the Lord may have given each of us... (Note the other revealing sentiment [i][b]Moreover as for me[/b][/i]) I think what is really diabolical is that prayer can be seen as less 'practical', it doesn't have that outword show sans the public or corporate style. As it is in general, secret and hidden, away from prying eyes but naked before God. Void of pretense and showing... The worst of it is in unbelieving, that it is of any effect, that if we are not always doing something to be seen of men.. Oh how it smites the pride and compulssion for so called vindication! To be seen and heard, the 'proving ground'...
To be hidden away and of no reputation, to pray and interceed without fanfare or acknowledgement. How many through the years that have in this quiet way done 'so little' in mens eyes but mighty incredible things through the Lord.
It is a haunting verse brother... _________________ Mike Balog
| 2005/10/17 10:40 | Profile | ZekeO Member

Joined: 2004/7/4 Posts: 1014 Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
| Re: | | Quote:
It is a haunting verse
Indeed Mike, it challenges me a great deal hence this thread.
At this stage in my walk I cannot think of anything as sacrificial as pouring out intercessions, prayer and thanksgivings for other believers. That there ministries and work for the Lord would prosper and multiply, basically that his kingdom would come in their lives. Not concerned about what he may or may not have for me.
Do I know him, and more importantly does he know me. I know he knows everything anyway, but have you voluntarily let yourself be vulnerable to him. To know him as he really is, that is the great hunger in this heart, and not for my sake, but for the absolute awesomeness of just knowing him.
Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.What an awesome thing for God to say, he is the reward for finding him, there goes the transistors in the brain.
_________________ Zeke Oosthuis
| 2005/10/17 14:02 | Profile | crsschk Member

Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
| Re: | | Quote:
To know him as he really is, that is the great hunger in this heart, and not for my sake, but for the absolute awesomeness of just knowing him.
What an awesome thing for God to say, he is the reward for finding him, there goes the transistors in the brain.
The way you put that ... It is an awesome thing when you stop to think about it.
[i]...and this is Eternal life...[/i] _________________ Mike Balog
| 2005/10/17 15:52 | Profile | nri Member

Joined: 2005/10/17 Posts: 22 Scotland
| Re: A broken heart | | Dear ZekeO,I can't say how timely it has been for me to read your post. I've just registered as a new user, and felt I had to share a reply. I too have been feeling such a burden of prayer recently...and yet also feeling so weak and inexperienced in the realm of true, fervent prayer...and God is saying to me that He is going to teach me,and His Spirit will lead me to pray as I ought.
Our God is so awesome...there are no words to describe His working in our lives...and even more humbling,is the fact that our Lord Jesus "ever lives to make intercession for us"-praise His name!!! Where would we be without the prayers of Christ?
Lord,teach us to pray. _________________ Nma
| 2005/10/17 18:06 | Profile | rocklife Member

Joined: 2004/4/1 Posts: 323 usa
| Re: A broken heart | | your honesty and confession is wonderful, keep perservering, after confession comes forsaking sins, God has the power to change you if you let Him, and answered prayers are an awesome testimony, God bless you. With God's help and love, I continually pray for the sin all around that grieves me and the children so often affected, the news reports and my own eyewitness accounts are prayer letters daily. Thank you for the encouragement to keep on uplifting others in prayer :) _________________ Jina
| 2005/10/17 19:01 | Profile |
| Re: A broken heart | | Quote:
ZekeO wrote: Read this scripture:22For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name's sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people.
23Moreover as for me, [b]God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you:[/b] but I will teach you the good and the right way:
24Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you. 1 Samuel 12:22-24Really been broken again, how many people depend on our prayers? How many people has God layed on our hearts that we have'nt lifted up to the throne?
It is interesting that Samuel said that he was'nt sinning against the people, but against the Lord.
Thank you ZekeO for bringing these Scriptures to our remembrance. It has been a while since I have read them.
I read a quote this morning that reminded me of this thread:
"Ask God to lay the burden upon you, and that heavily...that it may press you down upon your knees. My prayer for you is that God will work such sorrow within you that you will have no alternative but to pray." -James O. Fraser.
Also Charles Spurgeon's Morning by Morning, today's reading was a blessing to me on the path of prayer.
"Many are the paths of the Lord which drop fatness, but an especial one is the path of prayer. No believer, who is much in the closet, will have need to cry, My leanness, my leanness; woe unto me. Starving souls live at a distance from the mercy- seat, and become like the parched fields in times of drought. Prevalence with God in wrestling prayer is sure to make the believer strongif not happy. The nearest place to the gate of heaven is the throne of the heavenly grace. Much alone, and you will have much assurance; little alone with Jesus, your religion will be shallow, polluted with many doubts and fears, and not sparkling with the joy of the Lord. Since the soul-enriching path of prayer is open to the very weakest saint; since no high attainments are required; since you are not bidden to come because you are an advanced saint, but freely invited if you be a saint at all; see to it, dear reader, that you are often in the way of private devotion. Be much on your knees, for so Elijah drew the rain upon famished Israels fields..." Reading for October 18.
Let us keep seeking our Father's throne of grace in prayer on the behalf of those who He lays on our hearts. |
| 2005/10/18 12:03 | |