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what an ENCOURAGEMENT, that testimony about that agnositic touched me along with everything else.

I will pm' about a few things that I will be asking for assistance, if I don't contact you within a week, please pm me.


 2005/10/14 9:45

Joined: 2005/5/9
Posts: 659


Report from Oct 14:

God blessed us to be able to go to a high school in Picton, Ontario today. Four of us brothers went out on the mission. We had grace to be able to park in the lot of a Christian school, near the public high school we went to minister to.

Something was very special this day as we took the 45min drive to Picton. We prayed up before we walked to the school (prayer is what is pushing and growing the ministry of the Word), then on the way one brother began praising the LORD aloud and it was such a blessing.

We got to the school set up in front of it with our milkcrate. It was an ideal location to preach at. There was no busy street in front of the school, and lots of grassed area for the students to stand on and hear the Word, as well as interact with us.

A crowd of maybe 100-125+ gathered about 20mins into the preaching. The local police were called and asked myself to step down from preaching and show ID, along with Lee Mills and another faithful brother who came with us for the first time. He said at one point that "it seems like the students don't want to hear you preaching this message" I asked him if I could address them and ask if that were so. Having learnt this from brother Jesse Morrell, when I asked 3/4 of the hands went up when I asked "can you give us 15 more minutes of your time to finish!" These Scriptures echoed in my mind "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
Unto him [be] glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."

So we wrapped up the preaching and it was such a priviledge to see God's hand continually work. We gave out hundreds of tracts, creation science DVDs, and when I asked if anyone wanted a bible we gave out 10-12 and had at least that many more who never got one because we ran out of our supply. (God is so amazing I went to a "Bible for Missions" store later and they gave me maybe 50 - for free - praise the LORD!)

The young people were really receptive to us and we thanked them for giving us their time. Some said they were atheists, some said they didn't know if there was a God, and some said "praise God" as we preached - there were Christians at the school. What a blessing to preach open-air and hear people yell out true "Amens"!

We have heard reports from professing Christians in our area that what we are doing is wrong. I do not see how they can feel as such. Mark 16:15 says, "preach the Gospel to every creature". Paul says to be instant and preach the Word in season and out of season, so anytime and everytime are the times we want to preach the Gospel or reach out to others.

I listened to two messages from Mark Cahill this week that were tremendously encouraging to myself and Lee Mills, iron does sharpen iron!

We will continually pray for those that heard the Word today, and received bibles and tracts that they would hear, understand and bear much fruit for God.

Until the Nets are full Saints,

 2005/10/15 6:28Profile

Joined: 2005/5/9
Posts: 659


And I forgot saints, I was driving today and stopped at a stop sign when we were slammed from the back by another car. Thank God no one involved was hurt at all! A friend from work was with me the time and we just looked at each other and were like "man we could have died" then. Tomorrow isn't promised to us, what are we doing for eternity TODAY?

 2005/10/15 7:59Profile

Joined: 2005/5/9
Posts: 659


We had a team of 5 that went out to Kingston, Ontario yesterday. We took the 45 minute drive and just shared and enjoyed each other in fellowship. We got to the campus of Queen's University (a world renowned school) and found a Lutheran church in which we could park at. We immediately got into prayer for God's blessing and a hunger for the lost, as well to bless other believers.

When we first got to Queen's there weren't too many students around, it was a Monday, and I remember how alot of college students have Monday's and Friday's off. We started handing out tracts and having discussions with people. One of the best questions to ask was, "Evolution or Creation?". You know about 4/5 people said evolution. Queen's U. has one of the highest degrees of reputation in Canada for academics, and isn't it true God has chosen the sinple thigns to confound the wise? As well we handed out Living Waters IQ cards and simply asked people "See how smart you really are". We were justified in saying this knowing 'the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge'. Maybe 3-4 people out of some hundred said no to the tracts.

After that I got into some open-air outside of a cafeteria. There wasn't much people traffic. Most people acted like they could care less, but it's encouraging when they act likethey aren't hearing you, but you know they are.

From there we went to a busy intersection on campus and I started preachign atop a pillar on campus, maybe 3-4 feet off the ground. A crowd of 20 people gathered we were speaking on the Adult Fairytale of Evolution when campus security came and asked me if I was a Queen's student. I said no, then asked him if that was not public property. He said no and then I got down. It was then time to hit an adjacent high school and preach the Gospel of Everlasting Life.

We got to the high school before their lunch and I began speaking to a young Jewish student for awhile we had a great talk and I opened up the OT to him from Isaiah and other spots showing the clear prophecies of Jesus Christ 700 years before His birth.

The preaching commenced the police were called and they didn't even ask to see our ID - praise God. They saw what we were doing and treated us great. My co-laborer Lee Mills preached the majority of the time, while I and others had some small group witnessing opportunities we took. The reception and love was overwhelming. And realize that we do not give a soft "God loves everybody no matter what they do" message. We open up the Scriptures and show them that God is angry with the wicked everyday (psalm 7-11), that we are enemies of God in our minds through wicked works, that there is none good among us, etc. Then the climax is always that God demonstrated His love towards us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Praise Him for His Grace and Mercy!

Special prayer for a young man they call Chronic, a young lady Ally (who was such a blessing to me personally with her positive thankful heart), and Joshua. God bless y'all to come to Christ. The whole student body gave us their attention aired concerns and heard us out -respect due to them.

We then went back to Queens and did some tract handing out and witnessing. We had less than an hour before we had to leave so we went downtown Kingston and began to preach the Word on Princess street. A hot dog vendor cursed us out and called the police saying we were driving away customers but what I saw was people stick around hearing the open air preaching, potentially I think he could in the long run see business increase as people grab a dog to eat, then listen to the Gospel. The police came threatened Lee with arrest then took off. Brothers Matthew Clarke preached open-air for the 2nd time and Joel Paterson did it for the first time. They both are getting bolder and growing in grace knowing the Terror of the Lord they are persuading men. Brother Bill Lake was a huge uplift all day. This brother used to be a practicing witch in the occult and God got Him! Brought him to the foot of the Blood stained Cross and he is not looking back. I gave him one tract to read some time called "Wicca good or bad", or something to that effect. On our way back we stop at a gas station and he offers a lady a tract and she says no, and replies "I don't need that i'm Wiccan". Bill then reaches out and takes the one tract geared towards Wiccans he has and she took it and was shook up.

It was a blessed day the Word was ministered in open air meetings, we had many, many one to one witnessing talks, and met numerous Christians.

God is good all the time, and He is saving souls. We just want to testify to what the LORD is doing up here in Eastern Ontario, Canada.

Agape SI,

God willing we are going back to Belleville, Ontario today being led by the Holy Ghost.

Agape SI,

 2005/10/18 7:22Profile

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