I say that is full of insight surely and you know the subject well. In Zimbabwe however and as such in my case, you find the Bride Price, as the groom anyhow. I saved for mine. As a point of note, people are now so individualistic, in the manner of the Western culture that I was refering to early on. So you get the money together and then tell your father's siblings that you've come of age. They then escort you to the in-laws where in the presents of a large number of the in-laws' relatives, you pay the Price. This used to be token money really yet of late it has become a way of raising money for some families. This is yet another area that I feel people who are helping me pray for the nation of Zimbabwe's families should assist me with. It becomes an opening for such unfortunate Domestic problems as Violence and Unfaithfulness.In my case, my in-laws were quite reasonable and in all earnest they were kind to me and my wife, we were left with a couple of pennies to continue with the Zimbabwean fight for life. Yet I got problems when it came to the White Wedding. They wanted it for reasons best known to themselves in a really big way. My wife and I are expecting a baby in March and here in Zimbabwe, family livelihood costs are unbearable. We were thinking that we would start planning for our Wedding when the baby is here and after we had saved adequately for the wedding. My prayer request as I said is not inviting debate on the issue of practicality or sensibility, I have been through that and has decided that we would have the White wedding and so we have started making moves in preparation for it. It is a costly excercise and it calls for a whole lot of what the culture doesn't offer anymore. I will continue asking for your prayers that the Providence stops being an asking.In Jesus's name. So be it
The post that talks of insight is for brother RonIn Jesus' name. So be it