G'day all! As some of you guys know, I have been doing alot of study into revival, and revival history, and during this study I have seen a few common things that occur during revival: 1) Repentence in the church 2) Holiness] 3) Alot of prayer Now all three of these things are very important, but before any revival started there was always prayer. This prayer was more than just praying a quick prayer of 'God send revival amen' it was a urgent prayer, when the Saints of God saw the sinful condition of the world, and also in the church and asked Holy God to move His hand in revival. So I would like to propose that we as a body come together for prayer and fasting for revival. The dates I want to put forward are October 7 - 8, 2005 These two days fall across a Friday and Saturday. On those dates really seek after God, and ask Him for revival in this world. The Bible says if 'those that are called by His name, shall humble themselves, and pray, then He will hear and heal their land'. Please pray, and pray hard. God Bless Josh Williamson P.S. I will be posting this on other message boards as well, as unity is the first key to revival.
_________________Josh Williamson
I just sent out a email to around 33 people apart of the same ministry as me. Asking them for just one hour a day, or every other day to seek God on behalf of Tampa Bay, Florida area.We have had a ministry in our area for 6 years, but there is STILL hatred against the other brethren. I hope they all heed the call.Pray for the Kingdom of God to fall./Revival
Sounds like a plan.
_________________Hal Bachman
It has begun here!
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. - 2 Chronicles 16:9 (KJV)