Ron and Sue Bates work in Romania with the outcasts (gypsies, street kids, etc.) and the government wants to shut their homes for the girls down. They are being taken to court on the 30th of this month. Please pray that God's will will be done. Please pray that the government will not shut them down and send the girls and others that are at their homes back out onto the streets.Also Romania has been flooded and it was still raining there the last I heard from them. Many are without homes and the news about it is not being published much and there's no donations or much help for the homeless and wrecked homes like there has been here for New Orleans and the other towns affected by the hurricanes in the US. The people there don't understand why God has allowed it and they say, "He's the only thing we have left now" - since the fall of communism.The Bates ministry is called "Inasmuch".Thank you for your prayers!
_________________Ruth Anna
I will surely pray and even more so as the 30th approaches. Keep us informed please. God Bless.
Thank you very much!They really need prayer.
What kind of "country" is that ?I mean, what type of government would allow such a thing and not help their own flooded out homeless people and throw girls who have a home, out into the streets and close the homes ?Ya know, sometimes I think we need to get a wee bit upset or at least feel the anguish to the point of tears and go to God with this, asking for some sort of judgment or justice on this wicked government they have there."Fall of communism ?" What on earth type of government 'replaced' communism there then ?Why doesn't our Government make governments like theirs feel Ashamed for what they are doing to their own people or the so-called utopia on earth thinkers of the UN ? But of course, if they were attacked by another nation, they'd want their own people to fight ... right ? But they won't take care of them ?Oh man. Romania has been like the Pit for so long, Wurmbrand and so many others have spoken of it from way back.Let's pray that government 'out' of there or get a 'heart' transplant from God.Any country who doesn't care for their own.....Oh, what can you say. All those so-called "bleeding heart humanitarians" out there, like some of these Actors or Pop Stars, ETC., really don't give a hoot at all.This is heart breaking and yes of course, the least we can do is pray very hard for these dear people, The Bates.God Bless them richly and Protect them all there.
Thank you for your prayers. It's true ... the government isn't what they could be. They have tried some things to get people off the streets and out of the sewers, but it didn't work. It takes the Love of Christ ... He alone can reach those precious ones who have been rejected and thrown out by society.Oh that HE would reach down and draw Romanian's government officials to Himself and that they would repent and turn to Him. Oh that our own country would see that we are as wicked as nations like Romania. We don't force kids out onto the streets, per se, but we do have a HIGH abortion rate. Fewer and fewer couples are married and their children (if they don't abort them) end up on drugs because of the hurt, abuse and lack of security. Christian homes are going down the same path as the world, because our lives don't reveal the all satisfying power and love of Christ. Oh that America too, would repent and turn back to God!
Thank you to every one for your prayers.I received an update from the Bates and the whole thing was postponed for a month, so, if it goes according to what's planned now they'll go to court at the end of this month. They said, praise the Lord, things are looking to be more in their favor. Thank you for your prayers and I'll give another update whenever I receive more from them.I apoligize that I didn't give this update sooner.May the blessings of our Lord be on you all for the love of Jesus and His name's sake."I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and justice for the poor. Surely the righteous shall give thanks to Your name" (Psalm 140:12-13a)
What part of Romania are the Bates' working in? We have strong contacts with the church in Romania and with some who have seen real blessing among the gypsies. Our contacts are mainly in Transylvania.
_________________Ron Bailey