[img]https://www.sermonindex.net/images/forum/2004/may/featured_news.gif[/img]The standing water in New Orleans is contaminated with E. coli bacteria, a highly placed official in the New Orleans mayor's office told CNN on Tuesday.U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona said conditions in the city are "really unsafe at this point." (Full story)The city's deputy police chief, Warren Riley, said Monday the holdouts numbered in the thousands.Nagin told reporters Tuesday he wanted everyone out of the city "because it's a health risk.""These citizens will have to be removed for their own good," Police Superintendent Eddie Compass told CNN.The mayor also fiercely denied rumors that he had ordered relief workers to stop delivering water to those who refused to evacuate.The toxic nature of the water is evident from the smell of garbage, human waste and rotting corpses, and the slick sheen of oil, gasoline and other chemicals on the surface."I understand wanting to stay in their homes, not wanting to give up on New Orleans," Nagin said."But we have a very volatile situation. There's lots of oil on the water, gas leaks where it's bubbling up, and there's fire on top."
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Greetings brother Greg!In the article you posted is this quote;"The toxic nature of the water is evident from the smell of garbage, human waste and rotting corpses, and the slick sheen of oil, gasoline and other chemicals on the surface."i love the ocean period! ... There are so many things about salt water that relaxes me, the sound of the waves, the way that the ocean meets the skys horizon, the sound of gulls, and that marine smell of the back bays when i'm fishing ... God has given us so much natural beauty, but to me His oceans are the best, and it is with that thought in mind that i kinda got a real sick feeling the other day regarding all that untreated filthy water that is being pumped out of New Orleans to eventually make it's way to the already fragile eco-system of the Gulf of Mexico ... i've prayed our Lord to forgive us the foul way in which we treat His earth, for it is His and the fulness thereof ... In past summers we've had some of our east coast beaches closed due to fecal matter, garbage and hypodermic needles from NY and North Jersey washing up on our shores of Southern New Jersey and Delaware ... Until today i was really concerned that all that pollution would be deposited into the Carribean, an ocean to beautiful for words, the aqua-marine color of the water, so clear and full of life ... i've snorkled the reef just off Saint Croix, and it's so colorful and sun-lit at 20/30 feet it's almost unreal ... But thanks to this web-site ... http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/GG/rrg7.html... it says that the Carribean enters into the Gulf thru the Yucatan Pennisula and then the Gulf waters exits via the strait of Florida and is then caught by the Gulf stream and shot out into the wide Atlantic up around Bermuda ...It's bad that all of that pollution has to be dumped into our oceans, but at least the Atlantic is huge compared to the Carribean, and besides it would be such a shame for those folk down there to have to pay for our American recklessness with the overall planetary invironment ... i just pray that it's dispersed enough not to affect our Chesapeak Bay, another fun body of water i love ... i do look so forward to Christ return, and the new heavens and new earth that will right all our wrongs under this horrid sinful condition we all struggle in ... Come quickly, Lord Jesus!