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Joined: 2005/1/7
Posts: 267
Morehead, KY

 For your Enjoyment.

Thought you folks might just enjoy this lil’ diddy. Lemme know what you think!

I wrestled with my conscience most of the night.
I studied and ponder the depth and the breadth by candle light.
The fall of the first man from his lofty estate,
the advent of sin, thrusting all into dire straits.
The Sacrificial system in place to atone.
The rejection of God by a people his own.
The warnings and judgment, the sorrow and pain.
The cleansing by blood, hyssop, fire and rain.
The harps hung upon the willow trees and
the temple walls crumbled beneath oppressors feet.
The prophets gave voice to the mind of Our Great King
still they rebelled and said “It means nothing!”
The last book, the last verse,
the last promise-- a curse.
Then the silence.
Suddenly Angels rejoice and sing,
at coming of a manger born king
Then it comes, the clarion cry
like the sun cracking the midnight sky.
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
Son of God, now called Son of Man.
He healed the sick and made the lepers clean
demons ran at the words of the Nazarene.
He calmed the sea and walked the waves
He wept, then called his friend from the grave.
Pharisees mocked and Sadducees tempted
to him publicans gathered and Sinners he befriended.
Good to all in kindness and love.
Sent with a mission from the Father above.
Sweating blood he submitted himself, so humbly
to carry the sins of the world and lay down his life on the tree.
He who made the roses now wore the crown of thorns
he who gives us joy was laughed to scorn.
Forsaken by friends but forgotten by none
on the sixth hour He cried it is finished, it was done.
The third day brought the rising of the King
full of life and healing in his wings.
I ponder sometimes what it cost,
the price that was paid that I wouldn’t be lost.
Forgiveness that sometimes I despise
cost a price that I often do not realize
The cost for me to be justified
was paid when the Prince of Life died!
May we never take for granted this marvelous Grace!
Salvation was secured when the lamb took our place.

Who can know or who can imagine?
Who can discern or even fathom?
The height of the love of God that is above all !
Deep enough to catch us no matter how far we fall!
Wide enough for “whosoever” to enter in!
Long enough to go with us beyond “the end”
Love supreme and love divine!
Love that blows the carnal mind!
Not my past. Not my present. Not my future unseen.
No devil or angel can pluck me from the hand of the king!
Rest secure in his forgiveness and grace,
but never, no, never let it become common place.


 2005/9/9 16:34Profile

 Re: Beautiful !

This is beautiful inotof. Absolutely.

I could see it made into a beautiful poster against a sunset background or something beautiful like it.

There's so much "gratitude" in it for His Gift to us, that it really brings home what all He's done and suffered and how far He'll go to save us.

I like it very much and will keep it in a file, because I sure can see where it could also help any who are discouraged or feel helpless or even lonely.

Thank you very much for sharing such a blessing with us all.

His Love.

 2005/9/10 3:46

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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